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Month: May 2016

The Tide is High

The Tide is High

Yay, rain! Where we live, one never complains about the rain.  Ever.  It does not rain enough and we need all we can get when we can get it.  Just know it will rain on the one day when you don’t want it to.  You know, the day when there is an outside event planned.  The wedding with the big fluffy dress, the birthday with the bounce house, the anniversary with the fancy dishes and crystal.  Sure, one can make…

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How Low? I Mean, How High?

How Low? I Mean, How High?

There are so many factors affecting the building of a house.  City and county ordinances, FEMA, code, neighborhood restrictions, wind, water, sewer, electricity, and most of all the sun and shade.  Throughout the building of this house, I am sure there will be other posts dealing with these factors as they arise.  It is inevitable. Living in the coastal region means the land is flat, right? Oh, how wrong you would be.  The elevation hub came back today from the…

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