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Month: June 2016

One Man’s Trash…

One Man’s Trash…

Is another man’s trash. So many decisions on where to start.  Start here, start there, start anywhere.  After countless hours trying to decide where to build, it was decided clearing the trash and the underbrush should be the first step.  Of course, clearing is easier said than done.  Previous owners and years of neglect have turned this land into a rubbish bin. But don’t worry, good money was paid for that rubbish. Hopefully, some of this material can be reused…

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Not Your Average American Family

Not Your Average American Family

I guess you are wondering how we got here to Blocks In Fields.  That is a story 20 years in the making.  For as long as I can remember I have wanted chickens and a garden.  Growing up in a city of a million people, chickens were not gonna happen.  At least in my neighborhood.  There was a garden but all it every produced was cucumbers, okra, and tomatoes.  The dream never went away, it simply was pushed aside for…

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