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Month: November 2016

Let the Spending Begin

Let the Spending Begin

Ahh, the big box stores.  There is a love hate relationship from the word go.  Love to go, love to roam around, love to feel the possibilities of improvements.  Hate to roam around looking for 32 gallon trash can because who knew they are not found in the lawn and garden section, hate the disappointment when only lidded 32 gallon trash cans are available, hate the fact the purchase total is never less than a $100. Building materials are expensive. …

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The Shitty Choice

The Shitty Choice

The goal of Boxes in Fields has always been to build conscientious of the surroundings and the environment. Sustainable, to use a cliche. I read somewhere people can be part of a movement and not be on the extreme fringes. For example, moving from a 3500 square foot house to a 2500 sq ft house might seem not seem like much of a sacrifice to the reduction warrior in his 36 sq ft dumpster home conversion, but reducing is reducing….

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Texas Triangle

Texas Triangle

The Texas Triangle. When Boxes in Fields needs to visit both big city #2 and big city #1 on the same day, the drive makes a triangle on the map.  This trip is strongly avoided for it makes for a very long day.   From home base to big city #2 where containers are bought is three hours.  Big city #2 to big city #1 where loaner machinery and tools are located is another three hours.  Big city #1 to home…

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Road Tripping

Road Tripping

Decided to take a break from Boxes In Fields for a road trip to big city #1.  In the next coming week, ditches will be dug in preparation for water and electrical lines and the backhoe attached was being borrowed for the tractor.  Digging 300 feet of trench 2 feet deep by hand was not an option and it would take more than a day for a rental usage.  Rental fees for a days worth of use for a trencher…

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Safety First

Safety First

Safety, safety, safety.  This is something I cannot stress enough.  Machines are mean and are NEVER to be trusted.  If you don’t believe me, just scroll through the internet one day.  Machines break, cut, disembowel, and kill people.  Jesh, that sounds so harsh.  But the truth is the truth and hiding from the truth only gets you dumb.  There, I stated that nicely. When working with machinery the first and most important safety skill to observe every minute of every…

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Shitty Choices

Shitty Choices

We eat. All of us. If you don’t eat, then you better get to reading, cause you’re not gonna be here long. And boy do we love to eat. Grab some fast food stats and you will be floored at the amount of crap we shove down our gullets. And here’s the kicker, everything that goes in, sooner or later must come out. The average human poops 128 grams per day or about 4.5 ozs. Now I would speculate in…

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The Fun Times

The Fun Times

It seems as though as it is all work and no play and that is just not true. There has been lots of fun times at Boxes in Fields, too. The Yodeling doggo.  If we owned ten thousands acres to roam around, doggo would be found day after day at 10,001 acre mark.  To keep her from roaming away while working, she is tied to the tree or left in the car, depending upon the heat and length of stay. …

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It’s Just a Roll-Off

It’s Just a Roll-Off

D-Day.  It wasn’t good then and I didn’t anticipate it being good today either.  The unloading of the first shipping container has been a source of stress for everyone in various levels.  Weeeeeell, that might be a stretch.  I was stressing it, the Planner’s dad (the Doubter) is helping and he is slightly stressing, so inadvertently it is stressing the Planner.  The box has been sitting on the trailer for the last week taunting me.  It’s so much taller and…

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Haven’t Got the Power

Haven’t Got the Power

Last Friday the Planner and the Kid purchased a power pole from an approved seller.  An approved seller, what is that you ask?  According to the only local power supplier (the company who owns all the power lines) in this area, the power pole must built using pre-approved components to their exact specifications.  To our luck, the poles can be bought from an approved seller and installed yourself.  The assembled pole comes with the correct electrical meter box for your…

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