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Month: December 2016

The Doggo Chompies

The Doggo Chompies

Aww, what a sweet dog!  How old is your puppy? If you believed in pictures, then you’d be right. Honestly, how can anyone resist something with this level of cuteness? She is loyal to a fault.  Her breed, which is pure-d mutt, must have some kind of pack dog breed mixed in because she follows the Planner around like a monkey on a leash.  He walks, she walks.  He sits, she sits.  She sits even when she doesn’t fit.  Like…

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The Water Management System

The Water Management System

I am not even going to attempt to explain the water management system the Planner created.  I am not going to explain because I don’t understand it.  There are pipes controlling the water flow from the collection tank to the IBC storage tank, from the collection tank to the either one or both of the 3000 gallon storage tanks, from the collection tank to the trailer, and any other combination needed.  It a 5 factorial (5!) math problem. All I…

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Kid in Space

Kid in Space

Yeah, the holidays are among us.  There will be ham, cranberry sauce, decorated cookies, and spiced drinks.  There will be good gifts, bad gifts, forgotten gifts, and returned gifts.  There will be kids home from school, businesses open but workers not working, packed stores, and busy streets.  General attitudes will deteriorate at the biggest gift-giving day of the year nears closer and closer.  Unless of course, you do not celebrate holidays.  Then for you and me and many, many other…

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Platform of Strength

Platform of Strength

Last week, the free water collection was worked out leaving the Planner with the next, more difficult step.  The water management system.  As mentioned before, the system for moving water from one tote to another is not as simple as turning on a valve.  Fortunately, there is still time to work out all the details for the management system.  Right now, there is a platform to build.  And oh, what a platform it is, too. As with all structures built,…

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Storage Tanks

Storage Tanks

After several setbacks from incorrect equipment and bad weather, Boxes in Fields finally has WiFi.  Now that I know what the WiFi connection looks like, I am realizing even more residents and businesses of this fine county have WiFi service from this local mom and pop provider. It saddens my heart even more about the level of services unavailable in these great states.  Since finding out last weekend about our source of free water it has been very busy here…

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Argh, No Internet

Argh, No Internet

Since moving from the RV park to Boxes in Fields, just over one mile from city hall in a county of 20K+, it has come to our attention that we now reside in a black hole. I know you are thinking: A) we chose to live here and B) we are being dramatic. Yes, we chose to live here.  But as discussed in previous posts, some things did not come to our attention until after signing on the dotted line. …

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The Pink Sticky

The Pink Sticky

I am so excited about what I have to tell you that I don’t even know where to start.  I want to sing, I want to dance, I want to jump up and down, I want to stop smiling but I just cannot.  My cheeks are starting to hurt from the extreme level of happiness being experienced.  And best of all, when I realize I have stopped smiling, I want to sing, I want to dance, I want to jump…

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Friends in Fresh Water Places

Friends in Fresh Water Places

It’s official, the well has been dumped.  As mentioned in previous posts of the great water debacle at Boxes in Fields, we now have to resort to other resources for all of our water collection, not just supplemental needs.  For the time being, water will be collected from a friend who has both city water and well water.  He only uses the well water to water his yard and claims the water is rich in iron.  Being this water is…

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The Well Dump

The Well Dump

Pick your favorite ending saying: That’s it, that’s the last straw, it was the straw that broke the camel’s back, or it’s the end of the end.  As for me, I am just plain done. For a week the outside shower has been used. Ok, so it’s not really a shower but a garden hose attached to a hose bib.  Before the permanent shower was built, we wanted to ensure showering with well water would work.  Didn’t want to go…

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