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Month: May 2017



Sundays are supposed to be slow days.  Days spent at home relaxing before the return of the stressful work week.  Sundays at Boxes in Fields are like any other day of the week.  Work. At least here lately they have been just work. On the Sunday while the the Planner was welding the metal door frame on the Shop Box, the Kid was doing whatever nine-year boys do, I decided to get out the ever trusty old toothbrush and scrub…

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Beam Me Up Outside

Beam Me Up Outside

After a productive weekend, Monday was used as a down day.  The conex box was cleaned up from its weekend worth of work and then just observed for its general awesomeness.  With nothing else on the agenda, the Planner and the Kid decided to make a hot shot run to the Big City #1 to pick up materials on Tuesday. Of course as with all things at the metal store, getting there is the easy part.  Picking up the materials,…

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The Conex Shuffle and Slide

The Conex Shuffle and Slide

Three days of hard work and one day of prep work has kept the Planner very busy.  The Doubter came down for a three day weekend to help with the conex shuffle and slide.  However, before any shuffling or sliding could happen, more prep work had to be completed. Paint.  First step is always the hardest. Where to start, when to start, should I start. Make painting the first step and the step now becomes harder. Nobody likes to paint…

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Fall of the Conex Wall

Fall of the Conex Wall

Sunday, Sunday, Sunday.  Growing up there used to be a commerical played over the weekends enticing people to visit and shop a newly developed neighborhhod.  At the time, the neighborhood was quite the drive from anything happening in Big City #1.  The annoucer used to talk about the quite serene neighborhoods all while yelling into the mic.  Hello, it is an advertisement on the radio.  He did not need to yell.  The ticket about this weekend tradition was that potential…

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