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Month: December 2017

2017 Recaped

2017 Recaped

Oh, what a year…2017 turned out to be…A freeze and heat and in between…As I reflect, it was a year… What did you think of my Four Seasons “December 1963” impression? Not bad for being not musically talented. Every year thousands of people claim the past year was a year to remember.  Well, 2017 at Boxes in Fields was most definitely a year to remember.  A year to remember for years to come. Years… This happened and that happened.  Things…

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Watered Up

Watered Up

Here today, gone tomorrow. Truer words have not been spoken about Texas weather.  Two weeks ago it it was 33℉ and snowing.  Two days later it was sunny and upper 60’s. Crazy. The last couple of weeks of November and the first week of December have been busy, busy. According to the schedule, the next coming weeks are going busy, too.  Not busy, busy.  Just busy with some hiccups along with way. With the ground prep work done on the…

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Global Colding

Global Colding

Walking in a winter wonderland… Is this not the most beautiful picture ever? There are no filters, modifications, or alterations. This is exactly the same picture as it was taken straight from a cheap smart phone camera. Ahh-mazing! Thank you Caretaker for driving to the casa to take pictures of a snow covered Boxes in Fields! All of this beautiful winter weather and Boxes in Fields were not at home to experience it. Boo-hoo. Three glorious fluffy inches of snow…

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Here We Go Again

Here We Go Again

Hot dog, more work.  There is no shortage of work right now.  Plans for the next two weeks are detailed down to the last minute of each day.  Hoping the weather does not change, the Planner has rounded up family and friends to expedite work.  It all started with this simple delivery on the Tuesday before Thanksgiving.  Have you figured out what was delivered? Yup, you’ve guessed it.  Sono tubing.  Do you know what that means?  More conex boxes.  I…

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