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Month: September 2018

The Better to See With

The Better to See With

You can’t even tell last Monday there was standing water after Boxes in Fields attempted to be washed off the face of the map.  Hurricane Harvey winds was last year. Flooding 17+ inches of rain in two days was last week.  Can’t even tell.  Look how dry the sand is.  Good ‘ol Texas heat. With things drying out the Work Box had windows installed. Unlike the windows in the Kid’s Box, these are new construction windows.  The local hardware box…

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Life is Fun

Life is Fun

By Monday afternoon after the weekend’s rain, water was receding.  Again.  This time in its wake, it left a mess.  Sticky mud.  Water rushing across the flat and peoples yards washed mud into the roadways and low spots.  Mud here is not mud of most places.  It more sand and clay with salt and marine debris mixed together.  But for some reason, it is super sticky.  Sticky like bog mud.  It is fun.  It sticks to shoes and dries like…

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Water Water Everywhere

Water Water Everywhere

If you follow this blog, then you know there is already a post with this title. Water, Water Everywhere the first time (almost two years to the date of this post) dealt with our lack of drinkable water.  This post will deal with our lack of catchable water. Wednesday morning dawned wet and sticky.  After a night of thunderstorms, the day cleared out to a fantastic blue sky clear of haze and summer dust. No, the above two pictures are…

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Cyberdyne Modifications

Cyberdyne Modifications

Let it be said when referring to Cyberdyne this is in reference to the Terminator movies, not the real life Japanese based company. Cyberdyne as in the idea of machines/computers taking over the world.  If it suits you better, then refer to the title as the Matrix.  That is probably a better title, anyways.  We think only what the computer wants us to think.  Hmmm…. Food for thought… See this is how it starts.  You take an innocent picture on…

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Too Tight Tolerances

Too Tight Tolerances

It’s Labor Day, let’s get laboring. After taking a few days off from ALL work, I woke up this morning and decided today was the day to get back at it.  There is a list of work to do that grows longer every day. Remove one, add two.  However, not wanting to overdo the holiday and the weekend, I settled on installing the Work Box man door.  It is an easy job and not having to open, close, and lock…

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