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Month: March 2019

The Death of Sailing

The Death of Sailing

Here it is the week of Spring Break and as I stated weeks ago, you may dream of warm spring activities, South Texas is in a throws of winter. Spring Break started out and stayed funky all week long. To the detriment of spring goers across the state, Funky is the Kids M.O so this random weather did not deter his Spring Break plans: Sailing Regatta. On Tuesday’s practice it was chilly, windy, and cloudy. On Thursday’s practice, the weather…

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Death and Wishing for Death

Death and Wishing for Death

Here it is the first week in March and while most breathing bodies are pondering Spring Break in a few weeks, South Texas is in the midst of full on winter fury. Winter is the least of my concerns, though because sometimes life throws a punch.  I am not talking about making lemonade out of bright shiny tasty lemons, I am talking about trying to make lemonade from bitter rotten lemons.  It started two weeks ago on a sunny Friday…

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