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Month: April 2019

Pity Pets

Pity Pets

Genetics control a persons characteristics, hair, height, eye, etc. Simple biology everyone remembers from Bio I and Bio II. What genetics does not control is what I refer to as generational characteristics.  There is a current field of study called epigenetics, “a term used to describe inheritance by mechanisms other than through the DNA sequence of a gene” researching traits passed from parent to child that are not genetic.  In trying to better understand this research I stumbled upon this…

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Doing the Monarch Caterpillar Crunch

Doing the Monarch Caterpillar Crunch

In the last post, I commented about trying to tell the difference between a moth and a butterfly. In furthering up my studies, I have since discovered one can distinguish between the two during the pupa stage (but not always) and only sometimes during the caterpillar stage. So much to learn, so little time to learn it all. Couple of weeks ago I went to the local mom and pop feed store for some chicken nourishment. At the front of…

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Spring Has Officially Bug-an

Spring Has Officially Bug-an

Spring officially began on Wednesday, March 20, two weeks ago today.  However, spring at Boxes in Fields has been in bloom for over a month.  A month into springy goodness, there are now more vibrant flowers in more vibrant colors. Blue is my most favorite color and blue flowers are hard to come by. This tiny specimen is the size of a nickel and sadly only appears for the day. Did you know that while there are blue plants/flowers in…

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