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Month: October 2019

Rain Water Collection System

Rain Water Collection System

In the attempts at not naming this post as an Update to the original post, I discovered that somehow in all the work being done on the Work Box and the business housed within the box, the traveling for the Kid’s sailing, and the general life busyness, I never once mentioned the day the Rain Water Collection System took effect.  The system has been mentioned several times in several posts since installation, but never the installation process itself.  Such an…

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Potted Dancing

Potted Dancing

According to TAMU, “wet, cold days of winter are ideal times for transplanting plants, both native or cultivated species. Due to cold, the plants are dormant or in a state of rest, and will not suffer the shock of moving and the interruption of growth.” Well, a green thumb I am not. Seeing my last remaining potted olive tree turn yellow and lose all its leaves again this year, I have decided to transplant it.  It seemed to have worked…

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Harsh Conditions

Harsh Conditions

Living at Plan473 can have harsh conditions.  Salt air, salt soil, hot salt, dry salt, humid salt, and wind salt.  See where the harsh conditions are revolving from?  Aside from salt damage, normal wear tear, and excessive usage, and age all affect day to day routines.  Unfortunately, “normal” is not standard across users.  As I am typically harder on all products than designed specifications. My normal destroys itself much quicker. Every week a new item is added to the ever growing…

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