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Month: November 2019

Turkey Tween

Turkey Tween

Too old for child, too young for teen.  Tween.  Some parents would say tweenagers are the worst of the worst years.  Middle school, puberty, drama. Too old for toys, too young to not have toys. Children in the various states of wanting responsibility yet lacking the ability to accept responsibility. True to form and definition, you Stinky Feet, are in full tween mode.  There are days when your high level of independence and willingness to be responsible for yourself and…

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Rain Water Collection System Update #2

Rain Water Collection System Update #2

Don’t know about you, but here at Boxes in Fields we hate time change.  Dark is for sleeping.  Not wanting to be cramped inside the too small Rainstream and wishing to ward off scenes of “redrum” playing in our heads, the Planner decided to be productive at 6:12pm Saturday evening.  Seriously? Having still not completed the RWCS and needing to move forward with the final stage, the Work Box desk had to be removed. Why, does the Work Box desk…

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Drive this Way

Drive this Way

Most projects started at Boxes in Fields start one day and finish the next, or the next, or more than likely never. Whatever. Today’s project was started yesterday and finished before noon today. But first there was this… Doesn’t this just make you smile?  She always makes me smile.  Belonging to the neighbor across the street, Guera (pronounced w-e-t-a) is the happiest dog I have ever met.  E.V.E.R.  Enemies are unknown and all friends.  And not just any friend but…

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Chicken Molting Murder

Chicken Molting Murder

The hens are molting.  Being their second year to molt, I thought I knew what to expect.  Unlike last year, this year the hens are really, really molting. Molting as is one day they are loosing a few feathers on their breasts to the next day their tail feathers have thinned to one or two snarky remains. Molting as in a week later the hens have looked like they have been attacked.  Some hens are worse than others with the…

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Upcoming Movements

Upcoming Movements

It has been so long since any progress has been made at Boxes in Fields that these past few months worth of directional movement has refounded our enthusiasm.  Even though the progress has just been made on renovations and repairs to the chicken coop and partial installation to the Rain Water Collection System, it is progress all the same.  Much needed progress, too.  Over the next few weeks even more progress will be made, hopefully. This while I was in…

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Chicken Coop Winterized

Chicken Coop Winterized

It started out last month as just a quick repair job.  Harsh Conditions caused a break in the chicken coop roof.  After replacing the one corner last month, it was decided the whole roof would need repair before winter came.  This should have been a simple one day project.  Sadly, as in most projects, this was not the case. Bright and early Saturday morning, I climbed a ladder wanting confirmation for the decay.  I had originally thought, due to the location…

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