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Month: November 2020

Something Special

Something Special

Nothing, and I mean nothing in life shows the passage of time as a child. This ridiculous kid of mine is another year older. And while he has grown into a bigger version of himself with more sass and more smarts, he also grows more special each and every day. He is something special all right. Just don’t know what end of the special spectrum scale he falls. This kid who has his own sense of fashion. He wears shorts…

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Not A Seagull

Not A Seagull

Unlike the vast majority of residents living along coastal regions world wide, I LOVE seagulls. L.O.V.E. Everyone I know thinks I’m crazy, especially the Caretaker. She absolutely does not understand my love of seagulls. What is there not to love? From one to hundred they offer the same reward, laughter. They are sassy, indiscriminate, and pretentious. They bicker, they squawk, and they love. Sharing might be a problem, but then again, don’t we all have trouble sharing at time? Driving…

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Something Sweet

Something Sweet

Woke up this morning to a calm cool morning with not a cloud in the sky. With a small bribe of fresh warm kolaches to the Kid, I enticed company on my ten mile bike ride. He may have bitched and grumbled and peddled as feasibly slow as possible without falling over but by the time we reached the break water he was a happy Kid and I was a happier momma. Just look at that smile. Riding up the…

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