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Month: February 2021

Concrete Pad Pour

Concrete Pad Pour

Sometimes things are scheduled for difficult but in the end are relatively easy. Sometimes things are scheduled for easy but then turn difficult. Sometimes things are scheduled but then the whole thing schedule falls apart. When Boxes in Fields poured concrete footings for the Shop Box with a hand mixer, we were fully aware the work would be hard and time consuming. The work was what it was but in the end was not as difficult as originally thought. When…

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Great Freeze of 2021

Great Freeze of 2021

UGH. SO. COLD. Eleven days. Eleven days of bitter cold weather. An arctic blast from Canada the weather man said. Just a few days of below freezing temperatures and very high winds. Just a few days they said. It started the last day the concrete crew arrived. By mid morning that Thursday the crew were gone and weather was dropping. By early afternoon all the tropical plants were wrapped in towels and covered in plastic. By mid afternoon the chickens…

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Concrete Rebar Mat

Concrete Rebar Mat

And so we wait for rain… And rain it did. Water standing deep enough the waterproof boots were water logged. Trying to keep on schedule despite the weather, the Planner continued with concrete pad preparations. There were end bed plates to make and water lines to lay in the ditch between the two boxes. The plastic wrap did keep the water from soaking into the form boards but it did not hold up to the endless wind and had to…

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Friday Fluff

Friday Fluff

No better way to wrap up a busy week than with twelve fluffy chicks. The old stock has dwindled down to just a few and they lay eggs very irregularly. Four Ameraucana (no pictures taken) because colored eggs taste better (that’s my story and I’m sticking to it)… two Black Sex Link because even though Squawky McSquawkerson is loud and boisterous she is a good hen… two Buff Orpingtons because they are supposedly docile enough to hold… two Light Brahmas…

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