Texas Triangle

Texas Triangle

The Texas Triangle. When Boxes in Fields needs to visit both big city #2 and big city #1 on the same day, the drive makes a triangle on the map.  This trip is strongly avoided for it makes for a very long day.   From home base to big city #2 where containers are bought is three hours.  Big city #2 to big city #1 where loaner machinery and tools are located is another three hours.  Big city #1 to home base is two and half hours.

Kinda sounds like a song: “Driving my life away, looking for a better way……”

Why the triangle?  To save money, of course.  Remember, that’s the reason for purchasing That’s a Big ‘Un. Containers locally cost on average $4500 and are twice as expensive as they are in big city #2.  Containers in big city #1 are range from $1000-$1500 more than big city #2.  Locally: $4500. Big city #2 (including wear and tear on truck and trailer and fuel): $2800.  Doesn’t take a mathematician to realize self-transportation is cheaper than local.  Two trips just about pays for a whole other container.  Also, by purchasing in big city #2, there are more competitors and a better selection. Except for the time driving, it is a win-win.  Save money, get a better container.  Besides, Boxes in Fields has more time than money, so the Texas Triangle.

Or maybe this song: “And I drive on and on and on……”

Anyhoo, yesterday, the Planner and the kid went to big city #2 for the second shipping container.  Unlike the last trip, the second go around went smoothly.  There was no wind, no rain, no traffic, no faulty turbo.  Left home after daylight, arrived back home in daylight.  Nice.

This morning, the Planner and the Kid went to big city #1 to retrieve the tractor, the now working backhoe and its extra bucket, to gather some electrical advice and equipment, and to build a new, much stronger pipe for the second shipping container to roll along when removing it from the trailer this coming weekend.  (In case you are wondering, I have stocked up on diet drink in the can.  Not as good as a fountain but will serve its purpose all the same.) Unlike the last trip, this second go around went smoothly, too.  Working backhoes, excellent tricks of the trade for pulling electrical wiring (hope it works), and lunch at the favorite mexican restaurant again.  Left home after daylight again, arrived back home in daylight again.  Double Nice.

Road trips are always better when things go smoothly but where is the story and fun in that?  Drama equals better stories.  Of course, no drama is nice too.  When my phone rang over the past two days it did not cause my breath to catch.  And that was nice too! I have the best views from my office window. Don’t you agree, night heron?

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