Something Scary

Something Scary

Halloween was my favorite season as a kid. Not the trick or treating. Not the fall festivals. Instead the idea of witches and goblins, dressing up a something you wanted to be but could never be in real life. Fairies, mummies, and Strawberry Shortcake. When I became a teenager, I decorated every room in the house, created homemade costumes to pass out candy at the front door, and took my baby cousins treating. One could be crazy and nobody cared. One could be scary and nobody cared. Being scary can be

Unlike adulthood where there are lines to walk, ideas to uphold, and children to set example by. Trying to be a good parent doesn’t mean not having any fun. In fact, to be a good parent one must have fun with their kids or at their kids expense. Like helping the Kid create a video for school the last week of September. His ideas, his creation. Something about kitchen utensils expanded to human proportions. Scary where his brain will go it if it is applied.

Walking from the Work Box to the Rainstream the Kid sitting on the deck started dramatically screaming with arms flailing around like a madman yelling something about how my shadow was a giant coming to eat him.

A week later I had a bank meeting for Work and needing to look respectable, my hair was tamed and my power mascara was applied. Sitting at the bank waiting for my appt time freezing my fanny off in the car, it occurred to me it has been over two years since mascara was applied. Crazy. Upon my return to the Shop Box, safety glasses were adorned for the job at hand. The arrival of the Kid from school was greeted by WTF looks. My hair has a mind of its own, it always has, and trying to keep it tamed without a hat is impossible. Just look at the horns curling back over across the headband. Much to laughter from the Kid, I really did attempt to tame the horns. They just kept bouncing back.

Working late into the night one Tuesday in October, the inner parent became concerned at the quite within the surrounding space. If the Kid was a toddler, I’da been on my feet likety split. Turning from chair, I was meet with this nonsense. For who knows how long, the Kid had been squatting in front of the roof coating bucket removing the dried rubber film bit by bit with the most gentle tugs and pulls. So proud he succeed with more than half in a perfect ring. He then wore it like a mink fur. What a goof! The face looking through the ring was a reminder of Here’s Johnny!. Scary. The fact he is a mini me means I am scary, too. Eek!

With virtual learning still going on this school year, the teachers have to be extra creative in order to keep students engaged. The science teacher is also the critical thinking teacher and he assigned an egg drop activity. Unlike most egg drops in the past, the students were very limited to resources and the drop had to be tested multiple times. Having never done an egg drop myself, I found this challenge to be excitingly scary. The thought of wasting an egg overpowered the scary and the test was fun.

Just a few days to the #1 Scary Day, the doggo decided she was not gonna be 15 years old and crunchy, she was gonna a feisty 15year old doggo. She gave a good fight, all 15 seconds. In watching the video, to hear her snort and carry on was one thing. To see how chewed down her teeth had gotten was just plain scary. She literally has no nibblers (front two bottom teeth) left. Gone. As just stubs in the gum line.

Then when reviewing the pictures of this sudden outburst of energy was the demon within her noticed. Look at her eyes! They are sole sucking black orbs. Scary Larry. Oh, and if you zoom in on the lower teeth you can clearly see nibbler nubs.

Sadly with all the fun we had over the last month, the month really did end out on a sad scary note. The Planner had to collect two more totes of water from the Sailor. This water debacle is beyond scary and just plain sad. And it is most certainly not fun.

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