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Author: boxesinfields

Overrated Groundhog

Overrated Groundhog

Groundhog Day.  Punxsutawney Phil, Seer of Seers, Sage of Sages, Prognosticator of Prognosticators, and Weather Prophet Extraordinary has been predicting the spring forecast since 1886. People have been planning their crop plantings and livelihoods on the decision of a rodent with a brain the size of a cashew. A rodent whose batting average is less than 40%.  A rodent who is given credit for something he has no control over as it is really his “handlers” who determine if there…

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Raising chickens in warm humid environments can be challenging.  Especially if the hens are egg layers.  The longer they sit in the nesting boxes, the hotter they become.  To ward off heat, hens will pluck off chest feathers.  With extreme heat, hens pluck off feathers under wings and from around backside.  Add an additional hen inside the nesting box with the high heat and anger issues arise.  Angered hens pluck feathers off each other resulting in naked hens. Plucking feathers…

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Something’s A Little Off

Something’s A Little Off

There is always something a little off at Boxes in Fields.  Sure the majority of the oddness comes from the residents, but to be fair, we came by it naturally.  Genetically even.  Today a packaged arrived from my mom. The outside box was addressed to me but I let the Kid open it.  When the inside package was discovered the Kid muttered something along the lines of what a dork, my whole family is crazy.  As it was under his…

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Happy Year

Happy Year

Holy moly, the new year already.  Can’t believe how quickly time flies. Every year people set crazy new years resolutions.  Boxes in Fields has fallen victim to this in the past. Not this year. If 2017 and 2018 have taught us anything, it is that plans are not set in stone, rules are made to be broken, and laughter is the key to happiness.  Boxes in Fields has only one goal for 2019, to be happy.  If what you are…

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Half the House Has Arrived

Half the House Has Arrived

Look it, look it.  Conex one of two for the house has arrived.  One half of the house is visibly sitting at Boxes in Fields.  This is not to be confused with the Halfway House as in a previous post.  This is just half of the total house.  Having been purchased many many months ago, the two Conex boxes have been sitting in storage at the Doubter property.  At the end of February, the Doubter is retiring and moving to…

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Double Digit Plus One

Double Digit Plus One

When the Kid was a toddler and his age was asked, I was NOT one of those parents who held onto the month’s stage.  Oh, he is 18 months, 24 months, 36 months.  No, the Kid was a year and a half, two years, three years. Last year he was double digits and being a deal to kids I did not steal this moment from him.  However, from this point forward he is now just 11, 27, 57.  He is…

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Halfway House

Halfway House

There are several modes of thought when it comes to job completion.  Depending upon the situation Boxes in Fields has used all of them.  Everybody has used them all unless you are a freak of nature.  Even still, I bet there is that time.  That time that is hidden deep in the dark corners of your personal skeleton closet.  You can lie to others but cannot lie to yourself. Get It Done.  The job may be done but it probably…

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But Why the Boot?

But Why the Boot?

Have you ever seen the first Pirates of the Caribbean movie?  The original movie, before Disney went crazy with sequels?  There is a scene where  Miss Elizabeth has been left on an island and she burns the rum in order to be saved and Jack Sparrow keeps muttering about why the rum. That has been my line for the last three days. WHY THE BOOT! Why! After weeks and weeks, no maybe even months and months of rain, the last…

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A Great Shower

A Great Shower

Holy moly batman.  Boxes in Fields has gone from cooler fall days to full on winter! Last week the Kid and I worked up a sweat on our 5mile bike ride.  The weather was cool enough to warrant a long sleeve shirt in the AM but nothing more. This week the doggo is demanding her electric blanket for her old bones. This week, it is dark and gloomy, cold and windy, and wet.  Temperatures never reached above 60’s and the…

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Never Again

Never Again

Somethings in life fall into the never again category.  When summer is beating down, the mosquitos are ramping up, and the relentless winds are blowing away your resiliency, one being to ponder if fall is never again going to come.  This pondering always leads to the whys.  Why does anyone voluntarily live here?  Why did I move back again?  Why do I live here now?  Why, why, why? But just as you are debating the ramifications of moving away to…

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