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Author: boxesinfields

Blasted Sand and Wind

Blasted Sand and Wind

Wow, I am thirty something and yet I am still amazed at how quickly time flies.  It has already been four months since moving to Boxes in Fields from the RV park.  The Kid is going to be the big one-zero in just nine months.  Nine months.  Holy crap Batman, kick in the afterburners and get moving on living.  Time is ticking away. But as life has it known over and over, one can neither wish to have time move…

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Run Chicken Run_Part One

Run Chicken Run_Part One

Good grief, because there’s nothing going on the Planner and the Kid decided to ready a plot for a garden. Seriously, sometimes I don’t know about these two. Thinking the ground could be turned by pitchfork resulted in two things, a tired Kid and a broken pitchfork.  Guess handed down tools don’t last forever.  As it was only the handle that broke and a new handle was not readily available, the Planner finished the job with the tractor. Once done…

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Muddin’ in the Beep-Beep

Muddin’ in the Beep-Beep

It seems like every time plans finally get back on track another hooey is thrown.  Almost two weeks since the last rain delay, another more potent deluge was received on the 11th.  This time, there was an 8″ deluge. What a way to start a weekend! Sunday, with nothing better to do, it was decided to finally open the camcorder purchased a few days before. Of course, as it turns out, I was the practice dummy.  And who loves the…

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Spring has Sprung

Spring has Sprung

Texas weather is unpredictable during the spring.  Hot then cold. Dry then drowning.  And my favorite calm breezes then batten down the hatches winds.  All of these can change at the drop of a pin and several times a day. Somehow in all this craziness, spring has managed to arrive in all its beauty. Knowing next to nothing about wildflowers.  What is do know is that they are beautiful and I must take the time to enjoy their beauty. And…

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Inner Subframes & Cross Bracing

Inner Subframes & Cross Bracing

Yeah, the swamp has finally dried out and the little peepers are out of the trailer, out of their brooding boxes, and in the coop.  Without another moment wasted, the Planner was back at work on the subframes again. Two weeks have past since the outer frames were erected. Now for the inner frames and cross bracing. Upon erection of the outer subframe, a mistake in the design was discovered. Unlike other measured errors, this was more than an inch….

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Back to the Nipples

Back to the Nipples

Not two days after being placed in the brand new chicken coop did I decide the standard chicken waterer and feeder had to go.  I know, I know.  I even ranted about why I used chicken nipples in the first place several posts ago but I thought maybe little peepers wouldn’t be as messy as chickens. Wrong, wrong, wrong.  If anything, they are messier.  Their little feets can stand within the water ring meaning when they poop it lands directly…

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Chicken Boot

Chicken Boot

Ahh, the roller coaster of Texas weather.  Last Friday, meltiiiing.  Bet you remembered to read in your best witch voice today, didn’t you?  Ha! Saturday, less than 24 hours after recording 116 in the trailer, layers were needed. Cold weather aside, the weekend’s plans were to continue on with the chicken box. Completion was the goal. As you are well aware, time is not on your side at times.  Worked hard all weekend, and yet the coop is still not…

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Chicken Coop

Chicken Coop

It is amazing how fast a week can fly by. Every day the realization: 1) another day is gone, 2) a post has not been written, and 3) there will never be enough time in a day to accomplish everything can be a little overwhelming.  Last week Thursday and Friday, the subframe was started and it moved so smoothly it was thought to have been completed by now.  But it turns out, timeline planning has the same accuracy of predicting…

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Outer Subframe Erection

Outer Subframe Erection

Taking just under half a days time over a two day period, the Planner erected the outside subframes for the shipping container boxes.  Why are you asking yourself did it take so long?  Just one word for you:  Accuracy, accuracy, accuracy. The subframes were built with only inches to spare.  No fudge room.  No give room.  Only precision.  Ensuring the subframes were exactly where they supposed to be required them to be checked for “square and plum” over and over…

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I Heart Chickens

I Heart Chickens

Happy Hallmark Day!  Did you remember to buy every person you know a valentine day card, some chocolate, a flower? Oh, you did, well good for you.  Not me.  This is a not, nor has it been for a really, really long time, a holiday I embrace.  This is a holiday solely for the purpose of buying crap we don’t care about to give to people we don’t care about.  Guess you could say it was ruined in college when…

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