Countdown, One Week
Do you have children? Nieces? Nephews? Younger cousins? Neighbor kids? Well if you do or you don’t, the following statement will not matter. What matters is that you hold true to it. This statement, depending on your age, will go against how you were raised, how you might have raised your children, how you will continue to raise your kids, and will be a running thought at the back of your subconscious mind if you ever raise your own kids.
NEVER underestimate what a child is capable of doing. NEVER. Children do not understand limits. Limits are learned. “NO! That’s hot. Quite voices inside. Run outside. Gentle touches”. Etc….. The list is limitless. A child does not know he is incapable of doing something until such task is tried. These are facts proven over and over again with years and years of research to vouch. Don’t take my word for it, I learned it in college. Need further proof, Google it. Or watch the Kid sail in yet another regatta without so much as a bat of the eye or a complaint to be heard. All of his training has been in the safety of various harbors with harbor walls protecting battling winds and waves. This weekend’s regatta was held in the wide, wide open waters of the bay. Winds were blowings waves over boat walls and lunches, drinks, and snacks were consumed between races while being lectured too from coaches about ways to improve the next race. Saturday: up at 5, reading the boat by 8, racing from 9-4, clean up and store the boat, dinner at 7, and bed at 9. Sunday: up at 6, racing from 9-2, and home by 530. He never complained, he never tired, he was a trooper all the way. The adults who are they to help, coach, safety watch, and commute racers they are the one who complained about the wind, the heat, and yes the long, long weekend and how tired they would be come Monday.

And it was true, I did all of those things. However, I don’t have time to take a break because Solar Eclipse 2017 is just four days away. Solar Eclipse 2017 for me starts on Thursday at 2 pm. So much to do, so little time. Oh yeah, bet you are wondering about this picture. Can’t go to a solar eclipse without proper gear. This is what the sun at 4:30 pm looks like through the safety of our solar eclipse goggles. Not goggles really but welding hood lenses that will be turned into safety goggles. Yes, even on a vacation, practicality is applied.