Double Digit Kid
Like father, like son. Like, mother, like daughter.

Well, this kid may look like a mini-me, but he is his father’s child. From his mannerisms, to his quirky remarks, his taste in music to his artistic abilities, this kid is more like his dad than me. Never have you seen me carrying around notebooks to meet the sudden urge to doodle. That is a Planner trait. The Planner and his excessive amounts of notebooks. Never have I had created beautiful art works from half formed ideas. That is a Planner trait. Never have you heard me say “gosh, I just love the cold!” That is a Planner trait, too. Yup, this kid as much as he will deny it, is his fathers child.

This kid never ceases to amaze me. He is confident in his self. Tall skinny pasty white boy with long white blond hair who proudly sails his little white bathtub. Strange kid who is not ashamed to admit to his love of reading and math. He who creates things he sees in his head. Now, of course, I had to help with the Halloween costumer but he created it.

This his sailboat from scrap wood, fishing line, and trash bags. He drew it, made it, and sailed it.

Or this knights weapon. He designed it and then whittled it out of scrap wood lying around. Can’t remember this late in the game if it was from a 1″x2″ board or a piece of broken tree from Harvey. All the same, he sat there on the porch for hours whittling away. Hours!

And finally, these knights shielding pants. This creation did not take long nor did it require hours worth of drawings but they are his all the same. Smart kid, he left the back open so he could walk normally. Hard to walk when the knees don’t bend.

In fact, the only characteristic he gained from me is his need to control. He was given a brand new set of coloring pencils and he immediately came home and organized them to his likeness. The colors had to make sense in his head before he could even color. This is not a trait the Planner shares. The Planner’s shop box is a disaster in the making. No wait, the Planner’s box is a disaster. Of course, the Planner claims he would be organized if he had more time. Sure sure.

But as I was saying, this kid is his father’s son right down to his choice dinner selection for his birthday. Sushi. He had his own container/bowl/dish of sushi. No thank you. May you enjoy your birthday meal.

Happy Birthday Stinky Feet, can’t believe your double digits.