Friday Fluff

Friday Fluff

No better way to wrap up a busy week than with twelve fluffy chicks. The old stock has dwindled down to just a few and they lay eggs very irregularly.

Four Ameraucana (no pictures taken) because colored eggs taste better (that’s my story and I’m sticking to it)…

two Black Sex Link because even though Squawky McSquawkerson is loud and boisterous she is a good hen…

two Buff Orpingtons because they are supposedly docile enough to hold…

two Light Brahmas because they have feathered feet…

and two White Leghorn because Ears is the only white egg layer and she feels left out.

Editor Note March 4, 2021:

Hello my name is Boxes in Fields and I have an addiction. They are two legged, fluffy, and the cutest thing ever! Three Barred Rocks were added to the residence. Why? Mostly because they are the Kids’ favorite and we love to hear them meep meep meep. They are the most talkative and inquisitive without being obnoxious. Our flock now expanded to 18 hens and the rooster and I am max capacity for birds in the run.

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