Fully Framed

Fully Framed

I know I finished the last post by stating how much work gets done when the Doubter is here to help the Planner but words do not always give adequate description. Pictures, are as they say, are worth a thousand words.

Last week Tuesday, just shortly after breakfast, the Doubter arrived ready to start the day. By late Tuesday evening, the windows were installed. This would be the last time for a few days the two men actually worked together.

Wednesday, with rain predicted for later in the day all of the windows were caulked and the 2×4’s and 2×6’s were brought inside and restacked. While moving them, each and every board was reviewed and stacked accordingly. The Planner continued framing the east wall he started before the Doubter arrived while the Doubter started ceiling joists in the bedroom.

Thursday and Friday, the Planner finished the east wall framework and started installing blocking on erected framework. Each block had to be cut to exact measurement, ensured it was flush with the front of the framework, and then checked to make sure it was level with the world. Sloppy blocking makes for messy construction later.

Thursday and Friday, the Doubter worked on ceiling joists on the east box (the kitchen area).

Saturday, working together they completed framed out the bathroom and installed ceiling joists.

Sunday, the Planner worked on framing the west wall. Once the first section was complete, the Planner worked on the remaining wall while the Doubter started the ceiling joists.

Monday, the west wall and pantry framework was completed and jut over half of the west box had ceiling joists installed.

Tuesday, the west wall and pantry had mounting tabs installed and the west box ceiling joists were completed.

Wednesday, the pantry ceiling joists were installed. Finally, any remaining portions of wall needing blocking was blocked.

Nine days of ladder work. Nine days of platform work. Nine days of scaffolding work. Nine days of overhead work. Nine days of up and down the stairs. Nine days of sweeping at the end of day to have a fresh start for the next morning. Nine days and the Dwelling has fully framed walls and ceiling joists. Today, Thursday, nine days after the Doubter arrived just shortly after breakfast, the Doubter left shortly after breakfast.

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