Happy Year

Happy Year

Holy moly, the new year already.  Can’t believe how quickly time flies. Every year people set crazy new years resolutions.  Boxes in Fields has fallen victim to this in the past. Not this year. If 2017 and 2018 have taught us anything, it is that plans are not set in stone, rules are made to be broken, and laughter is the key to happiness.  Boxes in Fields has only one goal for 2019, to be happy.  If what you are doing does not make you happy, then why do it?  Sounds simple, right.  Day one into the new year the goal was broken.  Happiness was shattered.

Every new year for the last 11 years has started out the same.  For days before and days after the doggo paces, the doggo whines, the doggo tries to climb in and under any available tight spot to hide from the fireworks. Food is not eaten.  Sleep is not slept.  Calm is not found. But then the change happened.

The doggo became deaf-o at the end of 2017.  Having a deaf dog is a giant life adjustment.  Because she cannot hear she is constantly on the lookout for our whereabouts.  She becomes anxious when she cannot find us.  To get her attention you have to walk within view of her.  When it is quite outside she can hear the sharp sound of a hand clap.  But it has to be quiet.  Every time you wake her it has the same result: she bolts up and becomes short with breath at the sudden awakening.  There are advantages to having deaf doggo.  She doesn’t hear the neighborhood dogs barking so she doesn’t bark.  She doesn’t hear the neighborhood cats fighting so she doesn’t bark.  She doesn’t hear the UPS man arrive so she doesn’t bark.  She doesn’t hear thunder for the most part anymore.  NICE!

This new year was a different story from all the ones before. This year we forgot all together about the fireworks and its effects on the doggo. While playing dice games to pass the evening, the doggo wanted outside so outside she went.  All was fine and dandy until we remembered the fireworks.  While she cannot hear the fireworks inside the Rainstream, she can still see the fireworks.  CRAP.  CRAP. CRAP.

The doggo was gone-o.  Setting off in three different directions, we looked for an hour.  No luck.  The neighbors looked.  No luck. Can’t call her name because she can’t hear you.  Can’t clap for her because it’s too loud outside.  Didn’t matter, we clapped, we called, we looked.  The doggo was still gone-o.  CRAP.  CRAP.  CRAP.

Hours later a neighbor called to say they had the scared doggo.  A “neighbor” as in they live in the same “neighborhood” but have never seen their house nor even knew it existed as it was hidden behind a mile long drive of think trees and shrubs.  It was well hidden.  How she managed to end up 1.3 miles away is beyond us.  Why did she not bark to be let inside?  Why did she not go to one of the adjacent neighbors who were outside? Why did she not go to one of the hundred houses between here and there?  How did she manage to roam down a hidden driveway and find people outside?  How? Why? What?

Doesn’t matter really, what matters is was she was found.  The mind can run away with all the negative outcomes.  But Boxes in Fields is being positive/happy.  She was home.  She was not happy but she was safe.  And for the next few days, she was not allowed to leave our sight for fear she would run away again.  But this worry was wasted energy as she did not leave outside anyways.  Every time you turned around, there was doggo between your legs.  Between your legs is safe and sound.  Between your legs is doggo happiness.

For many a new year is exciting. They like the idea of all the new things they are going to accomplish or start or do.  Not me, I like routine.  Just because it is a new year does not mean people need to change their daily routine/lifestyle/modus operandum. The Kid, on the other hand, was loving the new year and has a whole set of resolutions he is excited about. This month his excitement lies in a new change to his routine.  He is going back to public school for the first time in years and his excitement was uncontained. His excitement manifested into badgering. He badgered about needing new shoes as flips flops are not allowed.  He badgered about riding the bus and why he could not ride it the first day or even the second day.  He badgered about having school clothes not play clothes.  He had been badgered since deciding way back in December that school was for him. Badger, badger, badger.  Funny how excitement works.  As the days got closer, his excitement lent to worry, to second-guessing, to nervousness.  By the day before school started, he was beside himself in anxiety.  We talked, we practiced calm breaths, we chilled, and we went to bed early.  Wednesday morning dawned dark and early at 5:30am with an uber excited Kid.  Just look at him.  Happiness.  Knock ’em out Kid with your smartness.  Smartness, not smart-assed ness.

Happiness. Boxes in Fields is choosing to be happy in 2019.  Sure there are going to be days/weeks that are not filled with happiness. If the doggo had not returned, we would remember all the good times and wish her happiness where ever she roamed too.  Had a bad day at work, leave the day behind and start fresh tomorrow.  Being happy is a choice. When life gets tough, smile, and think happy thoughts. Remind yourself, this tough moment is nothing more than a tough moment.  And if extra happy strength is needed, eat goldfish.  Not the plain orange goldfish but the happy, colorful, smiling goldfish.  Now, if there were just blue and purple goldfish it truly would be a rainbow of happiness!

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