Happy Year of the Doggo!
In the Year 2525, if man is still alive…
What an odd song, that one. Luckily for us, we do not pick our children from long glass tubes (unless your child is the Kid and he was handed down as space rejects) and little pills do not tell us what to do. In the year 2020, we can still choose to think our thinks and hatch our own eggs.

Later this month, the Chinese will be celebrating their New Year, the year of the Rat. In the zodiac calendar, the rat is the first of all the zodiac animals. Not one for following American holidays, much less world holidays, I did not know it was the year of the rat until Google told me so a few days ago. Slightly interested, I read more about the different years and animals. Since I do not want nor need extra children, I will not be worshiping the rat anytime this year. Year of the Dog, however, that is something with potential. A whole year to celebrate the doggo!

Unfortunately, the next Chinese New Year of the Dog is in 2030 and there is no way chance in the hell this doggo will still be alive then. Being that I missed the last Year of the Dog in 2018, I am celebrating it now in 2020. It is not the American New Year date of January 1 nor is the Chinese New Year date of January 25, it is just the Year of the Doggo! A whole year to celebrate her in all her fabulousness.

2019 was a tough year for the Doggo. Her hearing has been gone, her sight has been going, and now her hips are failing her. She has to ear doggy diapers at night and anytime we travel.

She is getting up there in age and she sleeps almost all day. She needs a doggy bed in every box she can follow us from one box to the other and then go back to sleep. Don’t fret, or feel sad, or get weepy or anything. Given the chance on a good day, she will muster any energy she has stored to sleep where she doesn’t belong.

Even with age, however, she still hates to have her picture taken. It must take her soul or something.

So in this self proclaimed Year of the Doggo, we will celebrate the Doggo. She will live the life. Eat human treats (cashews, walnuts, pecans), get only warm baths, and maybe even go on rides in the Princess seat. Who knows, this could be her last year.

Other people may celebrate the New Year with silly resolutions or life altering plans. I think celebrating this loyal companion is better, way better. Happy New Year Doggo!