In Between Rains

In Between Rains

In between all the rain showers Boxes in Fields continued to move forward with the plans for the house box. Beam materials were ordered and delivered, plans on how to lift the box in the air were finalized, and designs for the house were ran for strength and integrity against hurricane forces.

First things first a chunk of beam leftover from before Harvey was dug out of the scrap pile. Not being used for any structural purposed, the Planner was not too concerned about the level of rust.

Still needing the surface to be clean, the rat-a-tat-or (otherwise known as the needle scaler) was dug out and used to clean the beam from scaling rust. This beam was cut into chunks to use to secure the beams to the wall of the boxes for stability during the house box raising.

The rains were quickly making a rusty mess of the beams that were delivered. Rust viewed is only known as surface rust as is easily removed with a sandblaster. However, laying flat even when leverages with wedges makes places for water to stand. The Planner needed to get these upright poste haste.

I-beams (two-W12x40 and two-W12x50) bought were just for the columns. Columns will be welded onto the plated end bedded into the concrete. To secure the columns to the house beams, plates were welded onto the tops of the columns.

Once welded into place holes were drilled into the sides of the columns. These columns will be used as anchor points to lift the house boxes in the air six slow inches at a time.

Eight beams turned into eight supporting house columns. W12x40 for the outside columns. W12x50 for the inside columns. Very exciting times. Once all the beams were moved back outside to the concrete pad, the Shop Box was cleaned and organized as next week work gets busy. The Doubter is coming to help install columns. Oh, yeah.

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