Lost Rooster
In one short sentence, rather video, I can wrap up the two weeks since The Conex Slide. Cock-a-doodle-doo the rooster is crowing! And crowing…. And crowing…
And oh my word, just close your beakadee-beakadee-beak-beak already!!!!!
Yes, I love my little peepers who are now two months old. They are fun and cute and yes, vocal. They are not however this freaking rooster vocal. I have never once said in all my years, “Let’s get a rooster!” There have many other nouns to finished off that statement but NEVER once a rooster. And why do you ask? Because they crow and they crow and they crow.

For days we had been hearing a rooster crow. None of the neighbors have a rooster but yet a rooster was heard. On Sunday the 23rd, we awoke yet again to the distance sounds of a rooster crowing. By lunch investigations were done since the crowing was getting louder and louder by the hour. At the far end of the property in the tree line that divides us from the neighbor was a rooster hiding in the bushes. He was beat up and missing all of his tail feathers. Poor rooster! What no good, mean human would abandon a rooster? This is South Texas in the summer. Where was he supposed to get water? Hello, evil person, may Karma peek you in the butt.
Boxes in Fields has a freaking rooster! I know you are thinking “what is so bad about a rooster?” He will help protect the little peepers from all the evilness when they are freed into wide, wide world. And while that may be true, this rooster was a pet before he came here. A PET! Do you know what this means for us? This means he sleeps directly outside our window. See the low branch to the right of the back window. This branch is less than three feet from our window. THREE FEET!!!!

And it is in this branch only three feet away this pet rooster has decided he wants to roost. Three feet at 430 in the am. Three feet when he decides it is time to get up and get moving. No wait. He does not get up and get moving. He just gets wakes up and starts crowing. And crowing. And crowing. By Friday, the half way house for roosters was looking for someone, anyone, who wanted a rooster. Free to the first person who wants him. THREE FEET!!!!

Other than the rooster showing up it has been a slow two weeks. The Tuesday after sliding the conex box over, the boys went back to the Big City #2 to pick up another conex box. Boxes in Fields is beginning to look like a shipping container warehouse site. This makes four boxes, in case you forgot. There is the Tractor Box, the Storage Box, and with this one collected it will be the two for the Shop Box.
The best thing about box number four is the new color. The other three are various shades of red and this one is what I am calling LEGO blue. It is not in the best condition but it will serves its purpose. Who knew shipping containers are like stock market trades. Some weeks they are easy to find and the cost is representative. Other weeks, like this past four weeks, the market is in high demands and finding a good box, much less a good, cheap box in next to impossible. This box which is by far the worse box purchased so far also cost more than $1200 more than the other boxes. Figures.

Wednesday, the boys left on a boat trip to go back to Big City #2. Lucky dogs! Not because I wanted to go on a boat trip, because I really didn’t.

Lucky for them because Wednesday was unbearably HOT, even by Coastal Bend Texas standards. The weather has been normal but for some reason global warming got stuck on extra hot on Wednesday. It was a good thing it only lasted one day.

Friday I took a backroads trip to pick up the boys in Big City #2. It was an amazing trip. I stopped at the local ice house for a diet drink and found these Doritos. Haven’t had these since living in Asheville, NC. Have looked and looked and looked but never have I seen them in Texas. They are the best Dorito ever invented. Spicy. Sweet. Tangy. Crunchy. Delicious. I ate the whole bag!

The great thing about traveling back roads are the sights you can see. Yes, all those country songs hold true when traveling back roads in Texas. There are tractors in the road, crop dusters in the air, and farm houses and derelict barns everywhere. Farming is a hard life. You may be thinking these are abandoned barns but I can assure you they are working structures with tractors and years of collected bits.

Another great site I was a train at least a mile long. It went on and on and on and on….If you look closely in the barn picture, you can see the train too. These pictures were taken several minutes apart at 60mph. Excuse the car window, finger tips, and blurry image. Jesh, I was driving. This is was my scenery until an hour outside Big City #2. One minute farm fields, the next minute shopping centers and McMansions. Oh well, McMansions meant the boys and it had been too many days without the boys.
And what does every farm between here and there have? Roosters. Why? Who the hell knows. I want to be lost of this rooster. Do you want him? He is free. F.R.E.E.