Not Again
The last week of September started out as such a beautiful week. Monday started clear and remained clear as the off the shelf windows were installed. Tuesday was equally as fantastic. Wednesday was Simpsons blue sky and white puffy clouds. Add the with little wind and less than hot temperatures and it was weather worth dreaming about. Writing about. Living about.

Then the rains came as predicted on Thursday. More than predicted, actually. When you look outside to this, all you can think is not again with the nasty mud boots. A year after Hurricane Harvey and every time it rains you are reminded of the long-lasting damages it caused. Not that filling the water table is a bad thing, it just causes such a mess. A filled water table is more of a nuisance. A messy nuisance.

By Monday, Oct 1 the water had still not receded. There were thunderstorms off and on the whole week. The poor Kid with nothing but flip-flops was growing webbed feet. In order to ensure non-muddy feet in the new car (still unnamed at this time), the Planner ferried him across the vast, soggy marshland. With low winds and the cooler temperatures, it is taking forever for the water to leave. Add the weather with the normal high tides at this time of the year, there was just no place for the water to run off too.

Finally by Thursday after a drenching rain shower in the early afternoon, the clouds cleared out and the blue sky appeared. Sunsets after a rain shower are always a dramatic event. Pictures never do the image justice. Such an award for handling a soggy week. As a reminder Boxes in Fields really needs to finish the rain water collection system off the Work Box.