Crapin Storage

Crapin Storage

It’s is not spring, but it should be.  The weather is warm, warm, warm and summer is months away.  If temperatures keep with this trend, Texas will melt by summer’s end.  What better way to spend a warm sunny winter day?  Spring cleaning! Yes, spring cleaning in February. Many, many years ago I read a quote by Ellen Degeneres on ridding life of clutter.  “One can spring clean or move”.  How true her statement is.  Nothing can rid one of…

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The Planner and the Kid went to big city #1 for a week to build subframes needed to support the Shop boxes.  According to regulations, the floor of the shop must be 18″ above base flood elevation of 7 feet which results in a finished floor height of 4 feet above natural grade.  Before any frames could be built, materials were needed.  This above all other steps in the subframe building process was the most infuriating and time-consuming.  Apparently, it…

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Footing #10

Footing #10

From start to finish, in cold and hot weather, with gentle breezes and gale force winds, with and without help from friends, the final footing was poured yesterday.  Who-hoo, ten footings! Can you believe on this monumental moment only one single picture was taken! ONE!  Oh sure, there was a camera running to capture the whole process but only one still image.  No close ups, no steps of the process, no moment in time.  And, to make matters worse, the…

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Water Management System Update

Water Management System Update

It has been a while since I’ve posted about the Water Management System.  Went on and on about not having any water and now that I do, not a drop.  Figures, really.  It is easy to rant and rave.  It takes time and effort to report. Let us recap the great water debacle. I guess one could say it all started when the land was still under the 30 day option period way back in Nov 2015.  The Request for…

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Footing #1

Footing #1

Can you believe it?  The day has finally come.  Footing #1 was poured,  Oh, wait, what’s that you say?  Footing #2 was poured, too.  Hot damn!!!  It was a very busy weekend and major progress was made at Boxes in Fields. With all the excitement on Saturday, yet another picture of the water collected in the holes was not taken. You just have to believe me when I say five wet/dry vacuum cleaner buckets were collected at a four-gallon capacity. …

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Footing Preparation

Footing Preparation

Every new year seems to start out busier than the previous year.  The new year represents plans and goals, resolutions, and normal work weeks. Everybody, even those who say they don’t, have New Year’s resolutions.  Boxes in Fields has set their New Year’s resolution bar very high.  Very high indeed.  The plan at Boxes in Fields is to be out of the RV before Stinky Feet turns the big 1-0.  What would be a better birthday gift than for the…

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A Texas Winter

A Texas Winter

A Texas winter on the coast is unlike any winter experienced elsewhere. The usual signs of fall and winter with colored, crunchy, dead leaves don’t arrive until late December and into January.  Vibrant colors are always so fantastic.  Honestly, there is nothing like the multiple colored leaves of a poison ivy plant to set the winter moods.  Sure, there are other signs, but they just happen and you don’t really see the changes.  It is more like you wake up…

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Shop Box Outlined

Shop Box Outlined

Here we go again. Another year, another moving of this pile of One Man’s Trash.  Hopefully, this will be the last time this material is moved.  If wasn’t so useful, it would just be scrapped.  However, my waste-less (everything can be reused at least once more) side just can’t throw it away.  So it gets moved. Again. This time, we are moving it to the far side of the property where it should be out of the way for any…

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Having a Good Footing

Having a Good Footing

With the end of the year here, Boxes in Fields spent the last few days wrapping up some odds and end projects in preparation for next year. In order to move forward, one must have a good footing. Working around in a mess is not the start to a solid foundation. To obtain a solid footing foundation, the very first thing needing completion was the clean up and organization of the two Storage boxes.  One box is mainly being used…

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The Doggo Chompies

The Doggo Chompies

Aww, what a sweet dog!  How old is your puppy? If you believed in pictures, then you’d be right. Honestly, how can anyone resist something with this level of cuteness? She is loyal to a fault.  Her breed, which is pure-d mutt, must have some kind of pack dog breed mixed in because she follows the Planner around like a monkey on a leash.  He walks, she walks.  He sits, she sits.  She sits even when she doesn’t fit.  Like…

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