Well Wired for Shower

Well Wired for Shower

Can’t believe another week has gone by.  Seriously need to consider taking a real vacation.  Go hiking or camping or something.  This work, work, work all day long can get to be just too much. The rational part of the mind says “look at all the was accomplished in these few days”, “your now living the long-lived dream”, “time spent with family is never time wasted”.  Yada, yada, yada.  All I know is tomorrow is Monday and I have to…

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BBQ Turkey in Aluminum Foil

BBQ Turkey in Aluminum Foil

Several weeks ago when the Planner completed another Texas Triangle trip ago, Boxes in Fields repossessed the BBQ pit from the Doubter.  For the last few years, it has resided at his lake house where he modified it by adding the firebox.  Being it was his BBQ pit in the first place that he donated to us and was donated back to him, I guess he could modify it all he wanted.  Lately however, the Doubter has decided wood BBQ…

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Move in Ready

Move in Ready

The day has finally come.  Can you believe it?  Not me, and I just did it.  The Airstream has moved to Boxes in Fields.  The property is no longer just the property, Boxes in Fields is now home.  There is septic, electricity, and water.  Okay, there is not a well or city water, but there is enough water in an IBC tote to last a few weeks.  I mean good golly, there is already 14KWH on the meter just from…

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Electrical Wire and a Vacuum

Electrical Wire and a Vacuum

Compared to yesterday, today was an easy day.  It was just the installation of the RV power pole and the running of the electrical lines. Simple, right? Right, simply taking all day to complete these two simple tasks.  Last week while the Planner was in big city #1, he gained some insights on how to easily pull electrical wiring through the conduit.  This advice did not come the 35+ year master electrician.  No, this advice came from a 35+ year…

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Another Staycation

Another Staycation

The holiday season is upon us.  Holidays are a time to visit with family, extended family, and friends who are like family.  Holidays are that one time a year when differences are put aside and you are grateful to have family and friends to share in the festivities.  In the words of the Doubter, “sheeeet”. Yeah right, holidays are about spending money.  Money spent on gifts for them, gifts for you.  Money spent on food, travel, clothes, decorations, and all…

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Trench, Trench, Trench

Trench, Trench, Trench

* This is a short post.  Having completed this post and while preparing videos to place inside, the internet went wonky and the post was lost.  As in to quote Buzz Lightyear “GONE! ALL GONE!”  It was not be found in the web browser history, cache, or in deleted folders.  It was just gone. Poof. Two hours worth of work, GONE.  So yeah, this is a crappy post and I apologize * Trench, trench, trench….all day long.  Once the finesse…

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Third and Final Hole to Nowhere

Third and Final Hole to Nowhere

The first Hole to Nowhere was dug because the Planner and the Kid were simply doing what boys do.  The second Hole to Nowhere was dug to contain water being pumped out of the well in efforts to produce better tasting water.  The third and final hole to nowhere, well it was dug professionally. Crazy huh, even professionals dig holes to nowhere. Living in a small town does have its benefits, sometimes.  Last week, after hearing about the well being…

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Second Easier Roll-Off

Second Easier Roll-Off

D-day, again.  Today for the second roll-off job, it was just the Planner, the Kid, the neighbor kid, and me today.  The Doubter had other commitments this weekend.  But don’t worry, he called about a dozen times the few days before and a few dozen times over the weekend.  It absolutely killed him the roll-off had to wait till Sunday to be removed from the trailer. He just couldn’t understand why it couldn’t be done earlier.  It wasn’t like there…

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Let the Spending Begin

Let the Spending Begin

Ahh, the big box stores.  There is a love hate relationship from the word go.  Love to go, love to roam around, love to feel the possibilities of improvements.  Hate to roam around looking for 32 gallon trash can because who knew they are not found in the lawn and garden section, hate the disappointment when only lidded 32 gallon trash cans are available, hate the fact the purchase total is never less than a $100. Building materials are expensive. …

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The Shitty Choice

The Shitty Choice

The goal of Boxes in Fields has always been to build conscientious of the surroundings and the environment. Sustainable, to use a cliche. I read somewhere people can be part of a movement and not be on the extreme fringes. For example, moving from a 3500 square foot house to a 2500 sq ft house might seem not seem like much of a sacrifice to the reduction warrior in his 36 sq ft dumpster home conversion, but reducing is reducing….

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