Lab Results Say How Much?

Lab Results Say How Much?

Let me start out right now by warning you this post is long and detailed with no pictures. After ten long days of testing and a nine-page report, it was determined by the independent lab, our water was the worst of all waters.  It took them nine pages to tell us what we already knew, our water problems were far from over.  It took them nine pages to inform us our water contained 6359 mg/l of total dissolved solids.  What…

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The Water Debacle Continues Part One

The Water Debacle Continues Part One

Ah, the waiting place… In the attempts to remain positive while the well water is being tested at an independent lab, a hole is being dug.  Yes, another hole.  These boys and their holes.  Yesh. Why the hole you ask?  Well, it’s for the well.  The well water that is.  For the third time in as many weeks, we will be attempting to flush the well in hopes for better water.  This time instead of allowing the water to drain…

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For the Love of Trees!

For the Love of Trees!

When I was little I read a book where the main character went to a museum to visit the last living tree.  This book has haunted my memories.  I have looked and looked for this book as an adult but have never found it.  This book, written at least 40 years ago, is more prevalent today than ever.  If the author is alive, I wonder how he views the current state of affairs on the decline of trees.  Sure there…

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Just Keep Rolling On

Just Keep Rolling On

Just when things starting rolling along at Boxes In Fields, everyday life tends to kick you.  Went to visit family over the weekend and all was lovely until we were half way home.  Driving along it sounded like a stick was stuck under the truck.  The sound was made when driving straight, turning to the left or the right, driving slow, or running down the highway.  Tires go round and round, round and round and should not wobble side to side. …

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That’s a Big ‘Un

That’s a Big ‘Un

Went to look at a trailer today to haul shipping containers and my first thought was “that’s a big un”.  I have been dragging trailers around since forever.  Well not forever, but close to it. There have been homemade short box trailers, wide construction trailers, farm trailers, dump trailers, goosenecks, several different travel trailers, and tiny little sailboat trailers. Trailers have been hauled in the pouring down rain during rush hour traffic, cross-country on roads not wide enough for cars,…

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Water, Water, Everywhere

Water, Water, Everywhere

It that not the most beautiful bottle of water you have ever seen?  Look all you want but you can’t have it.  In the book The Rime of the Ancient Mariner was the simple line describing life on a boat, “water, water, everywhere , nor any drop to drink”.  Sadly, this line still applies in the modern society of the 21st century where too many people do not have access to safe drinking water. Even more sadly is the simple…

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The Well Man

The Well Man

I have heard of New York time, Central Standard time, and beach time.  Where we live there is such a thing as local time.  Locals have a love-hate relationship with what is referred to as “our city’s name-ian” time. This is a small mom and pop county of 20K people.  There is no rush hour traffic, no rush to beat peak hours at the one and only grocery store, and there is surely no rush to get work done.  In…

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The Hole to Nowhere

The Hole to Nowhere

The weather has been hot, hot, hot.  For some reason, the last two evenings have been slightly cooler making the evenings nice.  Taking advantage of the nice weather, we decided to enjoy the weather from the tailgate of our truck at the property.  The solitude was wonderful, well more solitude than at the RV park we currently stay.  The peace and quiet were exactly what I wanted. Ahhhh. This lasted all of ten minutes before the boys were off doing…

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Oh, the Misery!

Oh, the Misery!

There are things that come with age.  Wisdom, knowledge, and maturity. Poor eyesight, decrease in flexibility and range of motion, and weaker immune system. I don’t consider myself young nor am I old.  I’m kinda stuck in the middle. Sometimes, no matter the age, it takes experience for one to learn and appreciate wise old sayings. Take for example “Leaves of three”.  This statement has been repeated and repeated, year after year by parents, grandparents, outdoor enthusiasts, and other knowledgeable…

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The Second Clearing

The Second Clearing

After all that work clearing, it became evident moving the Airstream under the trees would not work well. Yes, trees provide shade, buffer street lights and road traffic, and hinder the breeze. Hindering the breeze is not an option.  Just because we are moving from the RV park to the property does not mean we are gonna change our living styles.  Natural light and fresh air are important to maintain a healthy RV.  Too many people in a small space…

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