Brace Yourself, Summer’s Broken

Brace Yourself, Summer’s Broken

COVID , COVID , COVID . Damn you COVID you have broken all the fun things about summer. There were no summer camps for the Kid and no breaks from the Kid while he was attending summer camps and no no summer sailing with local yocals. And while there were no days spent at the beach at least there were days spent at the Doubters where the are acres to roam, a tank to fish at, a creek to wade…

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Bumper Crops

Bumper Crops

Boxes in Fields would just like to say garden boxes are the way to go. From this point forward, no garden will ever be planted in the earth again. Are garden boxes more work? Only for the initial set up. From that point forward, gardening in a box is SO MUCH EASIER than gardening on the ground. Easier on the growing not easier on the bugs. Horned worm caterpillars still wreck havoc on leaves and stems, stink bugs leave blister…

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How the Wind Does Blow

How the Wind Does Blow

Having friends is a great thing. They are there to help unwind the day, to have BBQs with on the weekends, to share funny memes to relieve stress, and to bicker about little nuisances that make great friendships. In the case of the Planner and myself, the memes and bicker debates are usually nerdy in nature because well, we are nerdy. Friends are also great because sometimes they come with connections and are happy to share those connections. For example,…

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Confinement Issues

Confinement Issues

Ending out April with seventeen new flufferbutts was a great. Not five days after they cracked their way into the world, it was clearly evident the cardboard box was not gonna work. They were already confined for space. Needing something small enough to stay inside the Work Box yet easy enough to transport outside, large enough for accommodations until the outside quarters are built, easy enough to clean regularly, and the difficult part: all the supplies had to be on…

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Spring Lockdown Continues

Spring Lockdown Continues

All in all it was a very busy month of nesting. Some nesting resulted in cleaner pastures. Some nesting resulted in greener pastures. Some nesting resulted in feathered offsprings for the pasture. First week of the month continued with tree round up. There were invasive trees to dig up and tree limbs to round up, cut up, and stack up. Amazing the amount of dead trees and tree limbs have been collected since Harvey. Seriously have way more BBQ wood…

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Spring Lock Down

Spring Lock Down

Spring has sprung but it will not spring. March started out such a beautiful month. Flowers were blooming big, bold, and beautiful. The bottlebrush was fuller than it has ever been. So full, I was worried the branches were gonna break from the weight of the blooms themselves. Honey bees were buzzing in abundance. They were besides themselves with so many choices that they couldn’t decide where to go or how to long to stay when there. Spring Break was…

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Chicken Run Repairs

Chicken Run Repairs

Back in January during the Dirt+Chicken=Fertilizer grounds clean up day, it was noted the rotting status of the chicken run base boards. Being the coop is constantly under dirt and debris, bathed in water when in rains, and was not high quality weather boards to start, I would say fours years was an acceptable time. Top boards were replaced and wire was reattached. Good to go for another few years or so. While at repairs, a new chicken feeder was…

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Not Rooting for Okra

Not Rooting for Okra

Almost three years ago to date, the Planner and the Kid planted a garden. It was lovely dirt for cucumbers, squash, peppers, green beans, snap peas and okra. Rooting for Okra was not to be. Winds, lack of rain, poor soil, and gophers all lead to the quick failure of the garden. Since then a lot has happened and there just has not been the time nor the energy for another garden attempt. Over the last several months, above ground…

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Rain Water Collection System Update #3

Rain Water Collection System Update #3

Ah, the never ending task of completing the RWCS. Back in November, Boxes in Fields had half of the Work Box plumbed for water collection but the project was never completed as materials were lacking. Between then and now, time seems to have slipped away quite quickly with work and other repairs. With the rainy season upon us and the water tanks almost empty, it is time to finish the collection. Last week started the final stage with the removal…

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Driveway Rodeo

Driveway Rodeo

Being an adult can be no fun. Since moving to Boxes in Fields, we have been using our neighbors driveway. Deciding to be an adult, the first step in the long process of building our driveway were started way back in December during Ground Maintenance Week. Not one necessarily better than the neighbors’ but our own. So if and when it does rain and we make a giant mess with trucks and trailers and tractors, repair work can be done…

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