Shop Box Boxes

Shop Box Boxes

As part of the Planners sudden need to be more organized in both life, work, and Boxes in Fields, the Planner came to the realization he needed more shelving and boxes for his Work Box. Currently his shelf and floor is laden with 5 gallon buckets, cardboard boxes of various sizes, dimensions, and weights, milk crates, and one wooden 4x4x4 crate. All are filled with random assortment of tools, supplies, left over materials, and other various assemblage. Over time, contents…

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Dirt + Chicken = Fertilizer

Dirt + Chicken = Fertilizer

It seems sometimes, chickens are more work than they are worth. They have to be cleaned and feed and watered. Since the trees are still lacking most of their leaves, they have to be tarped from the sun both early morning and direct noon rays. Two months ago they had their coop lined with a bathroom liner to ease poop cleanup and last month they had their nesting bars rearranged to ease nightly top bunk fights. All of this done…

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Happy Year of the Doggo!

Happy Year of the Doggo!

In the Year 2525, if man is still alive… What an odd song, that one.  Luckily for us, we do not pick our children from long glass tubes (unless your child is the Kid and he was handed down as space rejects) and little pills do not tell us what to do.  In the year 2020, we can still choose to think our thinks and hatch our own eggs.  Later this month, the Chinese will be celebrating their New Year,…

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A Whole New Decade, 2020

A Whole New Decade, 2020

Another year come and gone. At the beginning of the 2019, Boxes in Fields stated they did not have any resolutions. As resolutions never get fulfilled, we opted instead for one simple goal. To be happy. Having warm, clear winter days in January was a great way to start the new year. Honestly, who can look across the bay with calm water and blue skies and not be happy. Not I. As the year progressed, I was trying to take…

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Stepping Up The Chickens

Stepping Up The Chickens

Holiday projects.  As a student in college many (way to many) years ago, I hated assignments due over holiday breaks.  Not that there are many since by Xmas in college you are done with your classes and summer break are filled with just more classes, but still.  Teachers love their breaks just as much as the students do so why assign more work.  Besides work produced will be just enough to complete the requirements, nothing more. However, as a parent…

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South Texas Xmas

South Texas Xmas

Ah, family. Nothing says holidays like traveling.  Luckily modern times have removed the fun depicted by the Oswald’s.  There are no more sticky seats, no more loud un-ACed cabs, and no more 55mph road ways.  Traveling for the holidays is made so much easier with cruise control, a quietly chilled cab, and seats and space for all involved.  This is GREAT except for the dog.  She does not understand why she cannot ride on the bench seat and has been relegated to…

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Getting Organized

Getting Organized

Last week the Planner watched a video about an Australian guy who ran a marathon. Not just any marathon either.  This man ran it over the course of a day in one mile intervals every hour.  During the remaining time in his hour he completed odd jobs around the home that have needed completion over various states of time.  A Mile an Hour, while being about just one man, has set the Planner on a let’s get organized kick. What…

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Work Box Pox

Work Box Pox

For the last week Boxes in Fields has been in maintenance mode. The work continues as Boxes in Fields is constant maintenance.  Working out of shipping containers may have its strong points, mostly they hold up very well during a hurricane.  Well at least so far.  They do however have their weak points.  R.U.S.T. Having used the needle scaler to remove the thick chunky rust, the box has been sitting ready for sand blasting since the end of June.  Time…

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Ground Maintenance Week

Ground Maintenance Week

What a week it has been at Boxes in Fields.  Last year winter, we decided that this winter we would spend some serious time on ground maintenance.  Not one for day to day or week to week ground maintenance, there does come a time when some maintenance is needed for a healthy ecosystem.  Unfortunately, if left to its own devices, the non-natives will take over.  Having already made a decent cleared area to the left of the chicken coop, the…

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Turkey Tween

Turkey Tween

Too old for child, too young for teen.  Tween.  Some parents would say tweenagers are the worst of the worst years.  Middle school, puberty, drama. Too old for toys, too young to not have toys. Children in the various states of wanting responsibility yet lacking the ability to accept responsibility. True to form and definition, you Stinky Feet, are in full tween mode.  There are days when your high level of independence and willingness to be responsible for yourself and…

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