Septic Sucker

Septic Sucker

Another box. I have reached the point of too much. There are too many boxes at Boxes in Fields. A Rainstream (which is just a box on wheels), the Storage Box, the Tractor Box, the Shop Boxes (2), the Kid Box (1), the Work Boxes (2), the House Boxes (2), and now the Guest Box (another trailer belonging to Grandma but being used by the Doubter). Unlike the previous location of the Guest Box, this box resides on the north side of the Work Box requiring its own electrical outlet and septic pump. Not so much a pump as a transfer station. The new box location is almost level with the septic tank and in order to ensure the septic flows easily from the trailer to the tanks, a high power transfer pump is used forcing the waste down into the septic tanks.

First things things first, the elevation at the current septic wash out must be compared to the additional septic wash out at the new location.

Then the hole was dug to place the transfer station in and a hole was dug to remove the old septic line out.

Again, ensuring proper elevation is important. Backed up septic lines smell and cause corrosion problems. Septic wash out caps placed too low allow for water to seep in during flooding. Excess water in the septic is bad.

With the new septic wash out attached and tamped into place the water line and septic lines were dug from the wall out. Still needing a working septic line from the Rainstream a cap was attached to the teed in line. The cap visible on the septic wash out will be removed when the septic line from the transfer station is attached.

Elevation inside of a hole tricky. Too deep and the PVC sags creating a pocket for waste to settle. Too high and the septic runs one direction or another and neither is good. When the Planner finally decided the transfer station was at the correct height, it was packed with rocks to keep the sealed bucket from floating during high tide, flooding waters, etc…

Needing access to a toilet that does require entering a trailer is getting to be a must have. With people coming and going, having the option to use a bathroom is a nice gesture. Not that many people like to use the bathroom at other peoples’ homes but when nature calls nature call. This transfer station will allow for a permanent bathroom outside for guests and us just off the wall of the Work Box. Nothing like having to run through the muddy yard to use the bathroom carrying all that sticky feet nonsense through the house. And unlike all the residents and guests, a tree does not work well for me.

With a quick test of the transfer station pump and we were done. As in the pump was defective. Now we wait…

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