So Jealous
Since before I can remember I knew what my life choices were going to be. I was going to marry a poor farmer, live in a poor house and raise poor children. We would have a garden, chickens, and a goat. We would be happy because we had love, lots and lots of love, and life would be just as I wanted. Well I did marry a poor farmer who then when to college. We do not live a poor house but in a poor trailer as American’s can no longer afford homes. We did have one child who a poor attitude. We have a garden and chicken and are for the most part very happy. What we do not have is a goat. The new neighbors across the ditch moved in last week with their two broken down travel trailers, three junk cars on cinder blocks, and two goats. Two! Goats!
I. NEED. A. GOAT. Her name will be Mabel or him Charlie.