Spirit Lifters
Since Plan473 still does not have any electricity and as we can no longer just sit around, we decided to keep removing, cutting, and sorting of the broken trees. Some would say that it is busy work but at least I can show something for my efforts. Just think in two years or so, we will have plenty of dried wood for BBQing. Besides, cutting firewood makes me happy as I get to use the chain saw. Hot dog, I love the chain saw.
Most of trees lost were the small spindly live oaks. None were more than 10-12″ in diameter. None were more than 20 years old. Branches from the bigger, more aged trees were lost and broken but not the whole tree itself. That is, with an exception to this beauty. It was not a front runner tree to the wind as it smack in the middle of a tree cove and to this day I am still perplexed as to why it fell over. In an attempt to keep it, the Planner pulled it up, propped it, and then cabled it to another much larger tree in front. Hopefully over time, the roots will establish themselves and the tree will once again hold itself up.
While working on the tree, through the clearing to the front street, we see a power truck paused on the side of the road. Taking matters into our hands, the two workers from several towns over, fixed our power!!
These men were great. They were tired, and hot, and had not been home or had a day off in weeks and weeks as they were restoring power to all those in the surrounding areas. And yet, not once did they grumble at being asked to restore our power. Our house was not on their schedule and when called to confirm we had been scheduled, the worker in charge convinced the operator it was a quick fix. It was not a quick fix as the power lines that were rolled up at the top of the pole were hot. Can you imagine what could have happened? Yowzers…. Yet not once did they complain. Thank you the men from the AEP-El Campo for your dedication. Thank you, thank you.
In just one day after weeks of feeling down, spirits at Boxes in Fields were beginning to lift. A major tree was lifted and secured in place and a humble crew in their lift truck restored our power. If damaged trees can begin again, so can we. What a fantastic day!
Well almost completely fantastic. Yes, that is what you are thinking. The uber fantastic pussy swath is from the just lovely, ever my friend in waiting, poison ivy. Whaaaa! But all is not loss, there is electricity and ice cream to celebrate.