Bye kid of mine, have fun at grandma’s and at camp. I will see you in 12 days!!! Woo-hoo, what to do with my free time? Oh, that’s right, work. The first week the Kid was gone was the normal 9-5. The second week was when the fun started. I took a week of vacation from work to work. Yup, sort of like a staycation. Only not as relaxing.
Up at daylight, work until it was too hot to think. When the temperature is already in the upper 80’s at 6:30am, it doesn’t take too long to get so damn hot I saw a little man in an orange suit burst into flames. After lunch and a nap, it is off again at 6pm-ish until dark.
We had borrowed the tractor again, but most of this work was done by hand. Well by hand tools. Oh, how I love my chainsaw. The power, the two-cycle smell, the endless potential. Unfortunately, this time, there was a lot more limb clipping and vine pulling. No power, no oil, no noise, just a plain old limb lopper.
Don’t worry, I found reasons to run the saw. Branches small enough to be cut with limb loppers but big enough to use a chainsaw. You know, branches the size of an infant’s arm. Don’t blame me, the chainsaw told me to do it.
This section is being cleared first because this is where the house will ultimately go. Shade all day until late afternoon, close to the work space, and plenty of space to expand later for any future endeavors like space for the kid to move into.
Five days of manual labor and this is all we accomplished. Huff. Oh well, any further manual labor will have to wait until it is not so hot. You know, around October or so. Fair warning, compressing a week’s worth of video is time-consuming. The video could use more editing but at this point, I lack the time. So if you’re in the need for a nap, enjoy!