Work Box Pox
For the last week Boxes in Fields has been in maintenance mode. The work continues as Boxes in Fields is constant maintenance. Working out of shipping containers may have its strong points, mostly they hold up very well during a hurricane. Well at least so far. They do however have their weak points.
Having used the needle scaler to remove the thick chunky rust, the box has been sitting ready for sand blasting since the end of June. Time really does fly as it seems like just last month that Repairs, Yet Again was done. As stated when sand blasting the box around the door, using a sand blaster to quickly remove the rusty areas really is the tool of choice as it is easy and quick.
Not only does it clean efficiently, it cleans effectively too. And in case you don’t know there is a HUGE difference between efficient and effective.

Upon reaching desired level of white clean, the Work Box was prepped for painting. Using the air compressor all the sand bits were blown off leaving a clean box for primer.

Red primer to be exact. Dark red primer that takes weeks to fully set and cure. Not noticing it at the time nor was it noticed before but red on blue makes the Work Box look like it has the chicken pox. Or Work Box Pox. Unlike poultry pox, I hope this is contagious and all sides of the box quickly match the south wall.