Work Box Update
Stress. What an amazing experience.

The last post about the Work Box left you with the framework that needed sandblasting and painting. That was at the end of January and today it is the end of April. How did it happen three full complete months have passed with little to show for it? Stress. That is how. It is not as there was not plenty of work accomplished and completed in those three months. It is just that there are little to no pictures to show the work that was done. As in whole steps and procedures missing. Weeks went by and not a single picture was taken. Crazy.
At the beginning of March, the frames were blasted and prepped for painting. This was the last stage of ample pictures taken. But since this step has already been done once, no need to rehash with those pictures, steps, and processes.

Next painting. This is the ONLY picture taken during the entire painting procedure. The ONLY picture is of the Planner wearing his painting jumpsuit and facemask looking like some space alien.

Oh, and the celebratory dinner. Dessert actually. All the same. Half of the sandblasting was done one day. The other half and all the painting was done the following day. These are long days leaving little time for dinner preparation. Tired of eating sandwiches, we ate WB. Like we would eat anything else. If you leave this blog learning nothing else, you will have learned that I have an addiction to WB!

Then at the end of March, there was two pictures showing the Planner welding the two Work Boxes together. Not a single picture of the work it took to slide over two Conex boxes. And unlike the Shop Box, these two were placed in a confined area making the slide a little more of a challenge.
NOT A SINGLE PICTURE OR VIDEO. Amazing. Sad, really.

In the beginning of April, ditches were dug to connect the electricity from the Shop Box to the Work Box.

This took both the tractor, a spade shovel, and a straight shovel. Working under an established box proved challenging.

Using the same technique with the drill and a rope, the electricity was pulled and awaited a panel. Still deciding how large to make the outlet.
The Planner with his tools bought this handy dandy, oh so wonderful, electric caulk gun. This gun is the cat’s meow. Made caulking so easy even Twigs, aka the Kid, could do it. He is in a growth spurt. Tall and super lanky. Eats everything in sight. I am sure the food is being stored for later usage somewhere. Right? In this new stage, he eats, he sleeps. Eating four to five times a day. Sleeping for 12-14 hours. Remember those days???? Oh, how I love to sleep.

By the middle of April, window and window hatches were installed. Unlike last time, these had to be done one at a time ensuring the windows were always secured against the elements as the Work Box was already inside. Can’t have product getting rained in on.

The same went for the door. In just a few short days, the door was cut out, the frame installed, the hatch hung. This despite spring winds. Rage winds. Howling winds. That will be for another post.
By the end of April, there was a ramp instead of a ladder. This lasted for less than one day as your truly has little balance.
The Planner and the Kid thought it was fun having competitions on how fast they could go up and down was great. One in boots, the other in flip flops, both crazy.

For me the end of April meant a set of temporary steps being built.

And that my friends brings you up to speed with the Work Box. There were some other Boxes in Fields adjustments made but those will have to wait until the next post. It is a nice box. Oh, in case you are wondering about the featured image, it is a gray bristly hair pulled from head. Gray! Ugh, stress.