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Month: July 2016

Oh, the Misery!

Oh, the Misery!

There are things that come with age.  Wisdom, knowledge, and maturity. Poor eyesight, decrease in flexibility and range of motion, and weaker immune system. I don’t consider myself young nor am I old.  I’m kinda stuck in the middle. Sometimes, no matter the age, it takes experience for one to learn and appreciate wise old sayings. Take for example “Leaves of three”.  This statement has been repeated and repeated, year after year by parents, grandparents, outdoor enthusiasts, and other knowledgeable…

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The Second Clearing

The Second Clearing

After all that work clearing, it became evident moving the Airstream under the trees would not work well. Yes, trees provide shade, buffer street lights and road traffic, and hinder the breeze. Hindering the breeze is not an option.  Just because we are moving from the RV park to the property does not mean we are gonna change our living styles.  Natural light and fresh air are important to maintain a healthy RV.  Too many people in a small space…

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Just a Little Trim

Just a Little Trim

A family divided.  The kid has camp again this week, one in the morning and one in the afternoon.  With the Kid occupied and me am at work, the Planner borrowed the tractor again to piddle at the property during his family free week.  Not me, I’d spend my family free time at home in the AC drawing on the house plans.  It may not be the dog days of summer but temperatures will still be in the upper 90’s…

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Yucca, Yucca, Yucca

Yucca, Yucca, Yucca

Scratch my back and I’ll scratch yours.  The neighbor is letting us use her driveway until ours is built. There is legal access but it is two blocks down a paper street, a never improved road owned by the county.  A road laid out when the subdivision was established in the 50’s. This paper road runs where our grass patch grows into the neighbor’s beautiful coastal field. As a way to say thank you for such neighborly pleasantries, we cut…

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Bye kid of mine, have fun at grandma’s and at camp.  I will see you in 12 days!!! Woo-hoo, what to do with my free time? Oh, that’s right, work.  The first week the Kid was gone was the normal 9-5.  The second week was when the fun started.  I took a week of vacation from work to work. Yup, sort of like a staycation. Only not as relaxing. Up at daylight, work until it was too hot to think….

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