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Month: June 2017

A Week of Firsts

A Week of Firsts

Help we are being robbed by the masked sailor!  This last week has been spent preparing the Kid for his very first sailing regatta.  Nothing like a drop kick to the butt to ge tone going. “Hey Kid, there is gonna be a youth regatta at the local sailing club. You sailed for a week last year at camp, you wanna participate?” Three days later after trip to the next city over for borrowed sailing gear, a quick refresher in…

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New Tools

New Tools

I have put this off and put this off and have even omitted discussing in several posts because I had this great idea to write a tool post.  Yet here it is, a year later and I have decided now is the time and I have more tools than anticipated. In order to proceed, clarification is in order.  Some of these tools are new to us on loan and some of these tools are new to us because they were…

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Need More Powerrr

Need More Powerrr

Don’t you just love Star Trek?  Cheesy lines, trouble with tribbles, and bad acting.  It was great!  First, there was no power, now there is no easy access to power.  The main power pole to Boxes in Fields is less than 20″ away from the man door.  To have power into the shop, an extension cord must be run outside.  This has been working just fine and would probably work just fine for most situations.  However, in a shop of…

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The Man Door

The Man Door states a mandoor is “a slave who acts as the foreman of other slaves”.  Thankfully we are not talking about slaves and slave foremen.  In modern society, man doors are doors to the man cave.  When I was a child, hell until just a few years ago, I had never heard of the word man door or man cave. states a man door is “is a standard swing-style door that is built into a garage door. It may…

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Guess What?

Guess What?

In 1993 there was an ever so popular country song that here 25 years later the songs still plays in my head on Monday.  “With the alarm clock ting a ling a ringin’ in my head, I woke up dog tired, beat down half dead. Tryin’ to recover from another wild weekend, chuggin’ down the coffee when I should’ve been sleepin’ Well, it sure is Monday, isn’t it now.”  I think Mark Chesnutt had something going there with that song….

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Beam Me Up Inside

Beam Me Up Inside

Last week may have ended with beautiful warm sunny DRY days but this week is promising more rain. May/June are typically the wet months and while Boxes in Fields likes the rain, the rain makes it difficult to progress when the tractor is stuck in the Tractor Box and it is needed at the Shop Box. Oh, well at least the week started off with a bang. What a better way to start a week than with the purchase of…

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