Argh, No Internet
Since moving from the RV park to Boxes in Fields, just over one mile from city hall in a county of 20K+, it has come to our attention that we now reside in a black hole. I know you are thinking: A) we chose to live here and B) we are being dramatic. Yes, we chose to live here. But as discussed in previous posts, some things did not come to our attention until after signing on the dotted line. No, we are not being dramatic. Promise.
Water. Not gonna beat a dead horse. If you read this blog, then you know the deal with the water and all it entails. If you don’t, then you need to start with Water, Water, Everywhere.
Internet. The internet provider originally stated, during the 30 day due diligence period, our address was in their service area. It was in their service area right up until installation was required. A new pole would have to be brought from the end of the street at a cost of $25K. It was Deja Vu. Internet is less than a thousand feet away and we can’t afford to have it brought to us. None of the nine homes have internet, they use their cell phones. While this is being done in the interim, cell data is still very expensive, slow, and as it turns out not reliable. There is a local WiFi service company providing 5mbps downloads at a reasonable price. However, installing equipment needed to secure WiFi is taking longer than expected. This pole have been sitting here waiting for internet receiver since the 29th of November. Well maybe it is not like there is not any internet, it is just that the internet available of the same speed as dial-up. You remember dial-up and how much you hated it right? Well, this great city in America still serves more than half its residents in dial-up internet from this one local provider. Can’t wait for rioting in the streets when this mom and pop WiFi provider has internet problems and can’t provide internet. It will be one of the few times in history when race, color, and poverty level will not matter. Million dollar home owners will stand alongside the knock down, trash heap residences. The day is coming.
Cell Service. Be it a Mac or an Android, ATT or Verizon, morning or noon and guaranteed at night, cell service is hit and miss and many times none existence. Again, I repeat myself, I am not being dramatic. No cell service. Not cut in, cut out like during the day. No cell service. It’s so shitty, even text messages are undeliverable. A text message! Living in the hills of North Carolina, this was to be expected. Living in the flatlands of the coastal Texas, this is unacceptable. Hope nobody needs me between the hours of 7pm and 7am.
There are places in the world where the residents have internet and cell service yet do not have two shekels, pesos, or goats to rub together, fight over the availability of freshwater, and reside where governments are corrupt and are not concerned about the betterment of their residents. It makes me glad to be an American where we our freedoms. Just not water, internet, cell service, or a government that is not corrupt. Okay, so maybe that was a just a little dramatic. But still….