Guess What?
In 1993 there was an ever so popular country song that here 25 years later the songs still plays in my head on Monday. “With the alarm clock ting a ling a ringin’ in my head, I woke up dog tired, beat down half dead. Tryin’ to recover from another wild weekend, chuggin’ down the coffee when I should’ve been sleepin’ Well, it sure is Monday, isn’t it now.” I think Mark Chesnutt had something going there with that song. Not only is It Sure Is Monday after a long grueling, hot, work weekend, guess what? It rained. Again. My goal this week is to buy a rain gauge. According to the Farmer’s Almanac, this region of South Texas should receive 30″-32″ of rain annually. Think we are going to surpass that this year. Let’s just hope we get some of this rain in July and August when it is most needed. Quack, quack.