Just One Inch
All I asked for was one inch of rain weekly for the next few weeks to two months. Just one inch. Rain received in the last two weeks has been close to just over a half of inch each week. Not quite one inch, but beggars cannot be choosy. Besides, how can I be choosy and ungrateful when nature shows its gratitude all around us. Having said this more than once and knowing it will be said again more than once, I am going to say it again. Nature does not give a damn. I may be mourning the loss of yet another tree from the lack of rain and wishing it would rain more to save them but the wildflowers are blooming. Blooming on less than one inch of total rain in two weeks time. Amazing.

Lack of rain only really affects human emotions. The trees don’t care. The birds and the bees don’t care. The grass and under story growth don’t care. If it rains they grow. If it does not rain, they die back and wait for the next rain. If it continues to not rain, they die back altogether and lay dormant until nature says the time is right to regrow. Trying to save trees is stressful and pointless. This one of the many pushed over trees from Harvey. In an attempt to lift spirits in the aftermath, this large tree was pulled up and cabled to another tree in attempt to save it. It was heavily watered and well cared for and yet it dies.
Coming to accept that the trees could not be saved and not wanting a four foot hole in the ground to trap some passerby dog/cat/kid, the Planner covered up the hole and sealed the fate of the tree to nature. Human intervention can only save what it can save and efforts above and beyond are just wanted energy. There are plenty of other things that needs our time that will produce better results than attempted tree salvage. Guess the one inch of rain was a little too late.