One Man’s Trash…
Is another man’s trash.
So many decisions on where to start. Start here, start there, start anywhere. After countless hours trying to decide where to build, it was decided clearing the trash and the underbrush should be the first step. Of course, clearing is easier said than done. Previous owners and years of neglect have turned this land into a rubbish bin. But don’t worry, good money was paid for that rubbish. Hopefully, some of this material can be reused in the future.
The problem with this trash is that it just can’t be thrown into the trashcan. There was lumber 20’+ long, a pallet of shingles, broken saltillo tiles, shrimping nets, multiple bundles of composite decking, rusted pipes, a refrigerator, 30′ cattle panels, multiple bicycle parts, and the ever popular worn-out tires. Once sorted, it needed to be properly discarded.
How is that gonna be accomplished? If it was easy to throw away trash of this nature, this collection of rubbish wouldn’t have accumulated in the first place. Since paying to discard of bulky materials is so expensive, people are dumping it along roadsides, empty lots, and vacant fields nationwide. Once the debris gets to be hazardous, local officials are forced to remove it at the cost of the tax paying citizens. If the taxpayers could just discard their trash at the waste management facility for free, this burden could be reduced. Yes, reduced not eliminated, cause let’s face it, nothing works perfectly.
Seriously, are the tile pieces supposed to be thrown away one at a time so that the local waste management crew will not notice they are mixed in with the household approved garbage? Does the same go for the shingles, rusted piping, and bicycle parts? Are there going to be late night raids to local dumpsters? Or do we resort to the rental of a contractors dumpster and dispose of the materials correctly?
Because you asked, what was done with the rubbish? Some was stored for later re-purposing, and the rest was piled into a neatly compiled trash corner for a decision at a later date and time. Right now there are things more important than the trash that has been collecting for over 50 years. Who knows, maybe the garbage fairy will come.