Shop Box Repairs Cont. Cont.
Before the roof can be coated for water collection it must repaired for rust damage. Of all the shipping containers at Boxes in Fields, the first two bought were also the best in quality. They were bought during a slow time in the shipping container market when sales were in the buyers favor and the quantities to choose from were endless. The third and fourth boxes (the Storage and Tractor Boxes) were almost as good but the Work Box boxes were garbage. With that, the amount of roof work needing patching was minimal, comparatively speaking.
The blue box has already has some repair work done on the inside corner but the workmanship was shotty so the Planner removed it and laid in new sections free of pin holes and potential low spots. This was done a few weeks back but not a single picture was taken as I was busy in the Work Box and the Planner knocked it out in just a few hours. Amazing it went so well.
After the water was blown off the roof the sandblaster was brought up and the few rusty spots were knocked out. Water and sand do not mix.
With exception to the corners, the rest of the roof was hit and miss spots with nothing more than the size of a soda can in diameter. Being able to stand and clean is so much easier than sitting when doing the bean work last month.
The blue box had way more spots than the red but the blasting work still look less than two hours and that with time to stop and have a quick taco!
In fact it took longer to blow off all the sand and paint than it did to blast the roof clean. All in all from start to finish with breaks and what not included the roof was cleaned and painted in less than six hours. Not bad for a days work.
On a side note, there are a crap ton of zeros, ones, and twos in today’s date. The Kid is already counting down to 20220202 next year. His mind will be blown.