Sunny Outhouse
Have you ever seen a skid-o-can, a port-o-potty, a poly-john? Yes you say at any festival event not held on a permanent location. Have you ever seen one two feet in the air? No, didn’t think so. Every outbuilding over 100sft and any building with electrical and/or sewer must meet flood requirements. For Boxes in Fields that is four feet plus depending upon location. Weeeeeelllll, the outhouse (bathroom outside to you city dwellers) is not four feet in the air but it is more than two.

Using a 42×42 pallet as the base a simple, a $20 toilet from FB pulled out of a house damaged by Hurricane Harvey, a structure was erected for the non-insulated walls. It will match the roof line of the chicken coop and unlike standard outhouses will have a flushing toilet and wash sink. The door was also a Harvey salvage from the same house the fridge came from. It is a solid wooden door and was in prefect condition until the Tractor Box sprung a leak and rusty water swelled on end. The hinges and knob and real and solid and heavy. Should do well in the salt air.

Needing to be able to move it later for house construction, the bathroom was attached to skids and painted a sunny color. If there is a box at Boxes in Fields that has been painted, it has been painted brightly. Lime green for the chicken coop, bright green for the Work Box. The Planner wants to paint the Shop Boxes orange, and the House Boxes are going to be a bright blue. I have always been told yellow looks good against my skin tone but I don’t really think it suits my style.

Placed on the north side of the Work Box, it is easily accessible to both boxes as well as both trailers. The Rainstream only has the one teeny tiny bathroom and the in-law trailer is carpeted. Who the hell puts carpet in a bathroom? The outside wash station sadly does not have hot water but at least the repurposed aluminum pot found at a dump pit at the Doubters is deep enough to wash up to one’s elbow easily enough. And of course, the water used is collected to water nearby trees. Having an additional bathroom will be so, so nice.