Virtual Year
Doesn’t it always seem that by the time you figure something out it is almost over. Like college for example. It was the end of my junior year before I finally figured out what combination of individual study, teacher group tutoring, and extra homework was needed in order to secure an A/B average. Now it is COVID.

Just a few months into a new year of living in the world after COVID, Boxes in Fields has finally found its grove with life not outside, virtual learning, and giving adequate space to each other. Now the school has gone a thrown a wrench. Virtual learning is over and the Kid must return back to school the Tuesday after Spring Break.
Seriously? Just a few weeks left in the school year and you want to impose classroom on students who haven’t been to a school building in a year? Students who have not meet their eight different teachers except maybe by a picture on their Google Classroom? Students who no doubt will be out casted because their parents are “delusional” about the safety of COVID. Seriously?
Sorry, Kid I wish you the best of luck. Sorry you won’t be able to complete your homework quickly to allow more free time to sit inside an empty chicken cage or climb dead trees. Sorry, Kid.
Editor Note May 25, 2021:
Just when I thought the school district couldn’t get any worse they went and lifted the mask mandate. 25-30 kids sitting in teeny tiny classrooms with no outside windows available for fresh air allowed to breath their COVID breaths on each other. The Kid, he wears two masks at all times and sits by himself at lunch. This is what school has become.