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Month: April 2017

Lost Rooster

Lost Rooster

In one short sentence, rather video, I can wrap up the two weeks since The Conex Slide.  Cock-a-doodle-doo the rooster is crowing!  And crowing…. And crowing… And oh my word, just close your beakadee-beakadee-beak-beak already!!!!! Yes, I love my little peepers who are now two months old. They are fun and cute and yes, vocal.  They are not however this freaking rooster vocal.  I have never once said in all my years, “Let’s get a rooster!”  There have many other…

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The Conex Slide

The Conex Slide

Ah, chickens. After being released into their new chicken run on Friday, a lot of time was spent over the weekend just watching the little peepers do their thing. There is something very relaxing about chickens maintaining proper hygiene.  Have you ever watched a chicken scratch? I am not talking about seeing a chicken scratch, I am talking about intently watching how they scratch.  Satisfying was it not? How does a chicken even know where it scratched? To the untrained…

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Run Chicken Run_Part Two

Run Chicken Run_Part Two

I originally started this post by saying that it was a slow week.  But once I started writing it, I discovered it wasn’t a slow week but a week spent on the same thing.  Completion of the little peeper run. At some point more 2×4’s were purchased including this southern yellow pine stamped “Made in Texas”. Didn’t know the great state of Texas made 2×4’s.  This bit of new information perplexes me greatly.  Where in Texas are trees grown for…

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Rooting for Okra

Rooting for Okra

After working and working and working this weekend from sun up to sun down on sandblasting and paint sun structures, Boxes in Fields spent this week getting back to the basics of nature.  Gardening. Look at this little gardener working so hard to plant squash seeds on Monday. Three mounds of yella squash with five seeds pushed in two finger digits deep.  Precise depth measuring to ensure seeds are not washed away when watering. Thursday evening we went to the…

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