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Month: July 2017

Third Time is a Shower Completion

Third Time is a Shower Completion

Good grief!  It is a good thing most other projects do not take so long to complete.  The third window took three days to complete.  First, the frame wouldn’t fit.  Then, the wind protection box had to be modified two additional times before it worked as needed, sort of.  Finally, on the third day’s attempt, the hatch was installed with little complications and the window was completed, finally. Why a solid week from start to finish. Well besides the Planner…

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Third Time is a Shower Cont.

Third Time is a Shower Cont.

What a busted weekend.  Started window number three in the Shop Box and did not complete it.  Started an outside shower and did not complete it either.  Having so many uncompleted projects leads to more uncompleted projects.  They seem to multiple, exponentially. Not wanting more uncompleted projects, Monday the parts to the shower were bought at the local box hardware store.  A change of plans about how to build the shower is one thing. A change of plans when driving…

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Third Time is a Shower

Third Time is a Shower

Somethings in life are just not fair.  In college, it was taught fair is what is right for the individual student, not the class as a whole.  While I adhere to this thinking to most everything I do in life, sometimes life is just not fair.  The summer heat is upon us here in South Texas.  Temperatures are in the upper 90’s and the humidity is in the 90th percentile.  Okay, I don’t really know how high the humidity has…

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Better Chicken Nipples

Better Chicken Nipples

Gosh, where has the time gone? These tiny, little fluff balls are already five months old and have been in need of a much larger watering system. With a vacation in the next few weeks, now was the time to build one. Didn’t want to wait until the last minute in case the original idea did not work as intended. Besides, a larger, self filling system would mean one less thing the Sailor will have to check on while we…

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Why Don’t He Write

Why Don’t He Write

Guess you are wondering where the posts have been?  They have been working, that’s where.  Summer is a busy, busy time for me at work. Summer is a busy, busy time for me at Boxes in Fields. Last month after the Kid participated in the local regatta, he was given a grant to attend a month long sailing camp in the next city over.  He did so well we continued classes for the month of July, too.  Classes are Tuesday…

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Just a Swingin’

Just a Swingin’

What is a sailor’s favorite joke?Knot Knot Jokes! Thank you, I will be here all night. Hey there, what a fan-dancy looking knot!  Because the Kid is now participating in sailing, and I feel it is important to understand the knots he is supposed to be learning, I am learning them too.  This is a barrel knot, one of the many stopper knots used on boats.  What is a stopper knot?  It is simply a knot used to stop the…

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What Light!

What Light!

Try as I may, I never seem to complete an idea for a blog.  Cameras were purchased for the purpose of recording at various angles and compiling a video instead of taking picture after picture.  However, as of yet, getting the camera to record the idea in my head has not happened.  Not to mention how time-consuming videos are to take, prepare, and load onto the blog.  Don’t get me wrong, I watch a fair amount of vlogs but just…

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