Just a Swingin’
What is a sailor’s favorite joke?
Knot Knot Jokes!
Thank you, I will be here all night.
Hey there, what a fan-dancy looking knot! Because the Kid is now participating in sailing, and I feel it is important to understand the knots he is supposed to be learning, I am learning them too. This is a barrel knot, one of the many stopper knots used on boats. What is a stopper knot? It is simply a knot used to stop the rope from pulling out its operation. In the case of the Kid, it is to keep his sail rope from pulling out of his sail line.

In the case of me, it is to stop the PVC on the rope of the chicken swing. Yes, you read correctly. A chicken swing. Be it for their entertainment or mine is not clear, but a chicken swing was made all the same. Another fan-dancy thing about stopper knots is the knot is easy to use and easy to take apart. Stopper knots must be able to be untied no matter how tight they are pulled against. Sweet, so if these crazy chickens don’t like their chicken swing, the knots can be untied and the rope used elsewhere.
Chickens are fickle. Attempting to hang a swing, they peck at the rope and PVC. Have a hung swing and they look as though the swing will eat them alive. Luckily for chickens, they have short term memory. A few minutes later, success. A swinging chicken.
In the making of the chicken swing, the dratted rooster decided he could come inside the run. However, the loud mouthed hen was not having any of that. She squawked and clucked and ruffled her feathers and made a general showing of her dislike. It was only because of all this ruckus we learned the rooster was inside. Out damned rooster, out. Your home in the remaining 1.5 acres, not the 8×16 coop. Get gone. Move it on. Don’t let the boot hit in the tail feathers.