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Month: August 2017

Harvey Aftermath

Harvey Aftermath

Because at this point there are just no words…. The highlight of the adventure home, besides the fact very little damage was received, was the chickens.  All eleven survived and all ten seemed to be laying eggs.  Hurricane or no hurricane, these are some egg laying peepers!

It’s Hurricane Season

It’s Hurricane Season

What an amazing, life changing experience last week held for Boxes in Fields. There was sandlands, desert lands, and mountainlands, moose, elk, and pronghorns, and highways, backways, and dirt ways.  There was camp food, fast food, and local joint food. Just a few hours short of one week from the start date, the Solar Eclipse traveling truck was returned, traveling gear switched vehicles, and the solar eclipse viewers continued traveling for another three hours to get home.  Last week Thursday…

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Solar Eclipse 2017

Solar Eclipse 2017

Thursday started out like any other work day at 6:15am. Work from 7-4 and at 4:39 pm we are finally on our way to our vacation! Aren’t we just the epitome of happiness?  I had a rough day at work, the Planner was sunburned from a day spent packing travel goods, the Kid is just a kid and happy to be doing anything new, and the doggo, well the doggo is indifferent. Friday, started out with breakfast with the Doubter…

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And We’re Off

And We’re Off

It is Wednesday and tomorrow we leave for Solar Eclipse 2017.  Just less than 24 hours and we will be headed for the long, glorious trip North.  North, to the land of cooler, drier weather.  North, to the land of the flat, grasslands in front of treed mountains.  North to watch an event that has not happened in the continental US in over 30 years.  North to a much-needed vacation. Because this week has been just as hectic as last…

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Countdown, One Week

Countdown, One Week

Do you have children?  Nieces? Nephews? Younger cousins?  Neighbor kids?  Well if you do or you don’t, the following statement will not matter.  What matters is that you hold true to it.  This statement, depending on your age, will go against how you were raised, how you might have raised your children, how you will continue to raise your kids, and will be a running thought at the back of your subconscious mind if you ever raise your own kids….

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Fourth and Final Window

Fourth and Final Window

Time is a tricky thing.  Some days it snails past you.  Other days it subsonics past you. Here it is the 9th of Aug, a full third way into the month. We leave for Solar Eclipse 2017 one week. One week and there is so much to do still in preparation for vacation. Work, window, work, sailing, work, secure chicken checkers, work, you get the idea. Wanting the Shop Box fully windowed and hatched before our trip, the Planner has…

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